Open Floor delavnica z Cathy Ryan
v Ljubljani
21. 3. - 23. 3. 2025
Naš svet se je nepreklicno spremenil in se pravzaprav spreminja že vrsto let. V mnogih pogledih se zdi, da smo izneverili naš planet, izneverili sebe, izneverili drug drugega...
Kaj če je neuspeh neke vrste pojavljanje? Nekakšno prebujenje?
Kaj pa, če je to največje učenje, ki nam je na voljo?
Najlepša priložnost za rast?
Neizogibno videnje razpok, vrzeli in prepadov.
Priložnost, da si priznamo vrzeli, ki smo jih soustvarili, in se z njimi soočimo.
V razpoke gremo!
Ta delavnica je povabilo, da si ogledamo svoje razpoke, ko se premikamo skozi neznane čase, ter zaplešemo z lastnimi prelomi - ti pogosto kažejo pot do naših virov in darov.
Raziskovali bomo predvsem z gibalnim zemljevidom prakse Open Floor, osnovna gibalna načela prizemljitve, osrediščenja, aktiviranja in umirjanja, širjenja in krčenja bodo naši zavezniki, ko bomo plesali po tem pogumnem terenu.
Ne glede na to, ali ste prvič na vikendu zavestnega gibanja ali pa ste bili že na mnogih, ste dobrodošli - vsi dobrodošli, saj se bomo zbrali, da soustvarimo skupnost, navdih in upanje.
Cathy se že vrsto let ukvarja z utelešenim gibanjem, ima izkušnje z gledališčem, pisanjem in šamansko prakso. Je članica šamanskega centra Northern Drum, študirala in usposabljala se je tudi pri Gabrielle Roth, ustanoviteljici programa 5 ritmov, in že več kot 25 let intenzivno dela in poučuje prakso. Je ustanovna članica organizacije Open Floor International ter soustanoviteljica in trenerka prakse zavestnega gibanja BISO.
Več o učiteljici: in
"Zelo se veselim Ljubljane.
Gibanja, poslušanja, raziskovanja, ko zaplešemo v razpoke.
Rada imam preprostost, pristnost, jasnost in dober smeh ... Rada se potopim v globino in gibajoče se, plešoče telo je eden najboljših načinov, ki jih poznam za to:)
Radovedna, zaupljiva in navdušena prihajam v to plesno skupnost! Se vidimo marca!"
O praksi Open Floor:
Praksa ponuja dinamičen, ustvarjalen nabor orodij za utelešeno gibanje skozi življenje. Za samoodkrivanje, povezovanje in zdravljenje uporabljamo univerzalni jezik plesa in čuječnosti.
Bolj ko utelešamo različne odzive v naših gibih, več virov lahko uporabimo, da se skozi življenje gibamo bolj prožno, odporno ter lahkotno.
Več o praksi:
Pričnemo v petek, 23. 3., ob 17.30, in zaključimo v nedeljo, 23. 3., ob 17.00. Podroben urnik prejmete ob prijavi.
Odpiramo vrata tudi za petkovo pokušino (omejeno število).
Polna cena: 250 €
Zgodnja cena: 195 € za prijavo do 21. februarja
Za državljane Srbije in Madžarske: 165 € za prijavo do 21. februarja
Cena za člane delovne skupine: 120 € (po predhodnem dogovoru)
Petkova pokušina: 30 €
JEZIK: delavnica bo vodena v angleščini, poskrbljeno bo za prevod v slovenski jezik
DORIS NOVAK, E: [email protected], +386 31 843 866
Se srečamo na plesišču!
Open Floor workshop with Cathy Ryan
in Ljubljana
March 21 - 23 2025
Our world has changed irrevocably and, in fact, has been changing for many years. On many counts, it looks like we have failed our planet, failed ourselves, failed each other…
What if failure were a kind of emergence? A kind of awakening?
What if it were the greatest learning available to us?
The most beautiful growth opportunity?
An unavoidable seeing of cracks, gaps and chasms.
An honesty to own and be with the fault-lines we have been part of creating.
Into the Cracks we go!
This workshop is an invitation for us to look at our own cracks as we move through unknown times, dance with our own fault lines - they often point the way to our resources and gifts.
We’ll be moving mainly with the Open Floor movement map, with a wide range of musical and exploratory scores.
The core movement principles of activating and settling, expanding and contracting will be our allies as we dance through this courageous terrain.
Whether this is your first time at a conscious movement weekend or you’ve been to many, you are welcome here – all humans are welcome as we come together to create community, inspiration and hope together.
Cathy has been working in embodied movement practice for many years, with a background in theatre, writing and shamanic practice. A member of Northern Drum Shamanic Center, she has also studied and trained with Gabrielle Roth, founder of the 5 Rhythms®, working and teaching extensively in the field for over 25 years. She is a founding member of Open Floor International and co-founder and trainer of BISO conscious movement practice and training programme for conscious movement facilitators.
More about the teacher: in
"I’m so looking forward to being in Ljubljana.
Moving, listening, exploring as we dance Into the Cracks.
I love simplicity, authenticity, clarity and a good laugh…I like to dive deep and the moving, dancing body is one of the best ways I know how to do so:)
Curious, trusting and excited to be coming into this dancing community! See you in March!"
About Open Floor:
Open Floor offers a dynamic, creative tool kit of resources to move through life, fully embodied. We use the universal language of dance and mindfulness for self discovery, connection and healing. The more we embody different responses in our movements, the more resources we can call on to move through life with flexibility, resilience and ease.
More about the practice:
Starts on on Friday, 21. 3. at 18.00, and ends on Sunday, 23. 3., at 17.00. You will receive a detailed schedule upon registration.
We are opening space for Friday`s dance (limited number).
Full price: 250 €
Early bird price: 195 € for a registration before 21th of February
Citizens of Serbia and Hungary: 165 € for registration before 21th of February
Working team: 120 € (limited number, with prior agreement)
Friday dance: 30 €
LANGUAGE: the workshop will be led in English, translated into Slovenian language (where needed)
and more INFO:
DORIS NOVAK, E: [email protected], +386 31 843 866
See you on the dancefloor!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ljubljana, Slovenija, Slovenia