Kilobookfair at North Chennai ⚖️, India's biggest bookfair by weight basis @ Tiruvottiyur. Now buy books 📚 in kilos instead of MRPs. Best opportunity for book lovers, kids & parents to buy books at affordable price. These include imported books from UK & USA that are high in literature & content.
🫴 Offers:
📦 3 Kg box - ₹ 449 per Kg
📦 5Kg box - ₹ 399 per Kg
📦 10Kg box - ₹ 349 per Kg
We have books for all ages with stocks of 10 Lakh+ books. Our popular genres include,
⭐ Kids - Books with pictures and great stories, as well as educational books. Sound books, Lift the flap books, Touch & Feel books, board books, Encyclopedia, Learning books etc.
⭐ Fiction - Dive into great fictional stories from genres including Thriller, Crime, History, Romance, Classics, Fantasy, Young adult etc.
⭐ Non Fiction - For readers who love Self Development, Autobigraphy, Business, Health, Yoga & Fitness, Travel, Sports, Arts etc.
📅 Date: 20 - 25 December 2024 Block your dates!
📍 Venue: TSS Nadargal Thirumana Mandapam, 45/69, Thiruvottiyur High Rd, Tiruvotriyur, Chennai 600019
Google Map:
⏰ Timings: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
TSS Nadargal Thirumana Mandapam, 45/69, Thiruvottiyur High Rd, Tiruvotriyur, Chennai 600019, 77 T H Road, Kaladipet, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai 600019, India,Chennai, India