In Bloom is a concert series hosted by Korzo and curated by Hague-based composer Lise Morrison. She curates and presents a showcase of young musicians, projects, performers and makers, featuring works developed by her peers from the music and art scene of The Hague.This edition brings together three experimental acts who converse in their work with speakers, or modular synthesisers, other performers, or film (amongst other things) - leading to adventurous and surprising soundscapes, greater than the sum of the two parts, shifting and expanding the idea of the traditional music duet.
🟥Line up 🟥
🔺 Nikos Charambolous and Guillermo Almo MartÃn Viana (Panic Screen) - drums, guitar & electronics, visuals
🔺Leah Plave and Tiziano Teodori - cello & electronics
🔺Arefeh Hekmatpanah - voice & electronics
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Korzo, Prinsestraat 42,The Hague, Netherlands