We believe that we can best support the creation of equitable and inclusive economies by using a range of integrated capital tools: loans, credit enhancements, equity investments, royalty finance, direct public offerings, crowdfunding, grants and more. Over the last eight years, the Boston Impact Initiative has learned how to choose the best capital instrument for the age and stage of each organization we invest in to help close the racial wealth divide in our community. Now we’ve turned what we’ve learned into a card game that can support impact investors, foundations, entrepreneurs, activists and other place- based organizations with a commitment to economic justice.Join us for a fun and engaging virtual session playing with the Integrated Capital Cards, a bilingual (English/Spanish) deck is made up of 121 cards in 8 suits that help match types of capital and transaction structures with startups, small businesses and nonprofits that are contributing to building regenerative and equitable economies. The deck includes Impact Criteria and Impact Covenants so that all transactions fully integrate both financial and impact expectations.
Participants will engage in an experiential learning opportunity that will deepen their understanding of creative financial tools for solving wealth inequality, as well as to broaden their view of how multiple stakeholders can solve problems together. And we'll do it while playing a game!
A special thanks to Roxbury Innovation Center for hosting the event.
Card decks will be mailed to you at no cost, thanks to the generosity of The Boston Foundation as our session sponsor. To receive your cards, please send your mailing address to [email protected].
Thank you to our sponsors for helping make this year's festival possible:
The Barr Foundation
John Hancock
P&G Gillette
TD Bank
Black Rock
PNC Bank
Event Venue