Tervetuloa tutustumaan hauskaan ja vauhdikkaaseen shuffle-tanssiin! đđ„Tanssijat shufflen maailmaan johdattaa turkulainen Iida Aalto.Shuffle-tanssi on vauhdikas, jalkatekniikkapainotteinen katutanssilaji 1980-luvulta Melbournesta, Australiasta. Usein sitĂ€ tanssitaan EDM:ÀÀn, technoon ja houseen. Shuffle on hauska tapa liikkua, ja se parantaa koordinaatiota sekĂ€ vahvistaa etenkin jalkalihaksia. Iidan shuffle-tunneilla on kannustava ja iloinen ilmapiiri.
TÀtÀ alkeisworkshopia varten et tarvitse mitÀÀn aiempaa tanssitaustaa tai kokemusta shufflaamisesta. Opettelemme shufflen alkeita askel kerrallaan yhdessÀ toistojen ja koreografian avulla. Workshopilla opetellaan shufflen perusaskeleita, mm. running man ja t-step, sekÀ koreografiaa eri tempoihin.
Tunnille kannattaa ottaa mukaan sisÀkengÀt ja juomapullo.
đ Iida Aallon Shuffle-workshop đ
đ Aika: Tiistaina 7.1.2025 klo 17:00â18:30
đ Kesto: 90 min
đȘ Taso: alkeet
đ Paikka: Flama Rauhankatu (Rauhankatu 15, Turku)
đïž Hinta: 22 âŹ
âĄïž Ilmoittaudu mukaan verkkokaupassamme:
đ Iida Aalto đ
Iida on 25-vuotias shuffle-tanssija ja -opettaja Turusta. Iida aloitti shufflen opettelun itse YouTube-videoiden avulla sekÀ kÀymÀllÀ muutamilla workshopeilla. Myöhemmin hÀn alkoi ottaa erilaisia online-kursseja ja -yksityistunteja opettajilta ympÀri maailmaa. HÀnen tyylissÀÀn on sekoittuvat Melbourne shuffle- ja cutting shapes -tyylilajit.
Iidan vahvuus shufflessa on erityisesti tekniikka, sillÀ hÀn on kÀyttÀnyt paljon aikaa eri liikkeiden hiomiseen. HÀn tykkÀÀ pilkkoa liikkeitÀ paloihin ja tutkia niitÀ. TÀmÀ nÀkyy myös hÀnen opetustyylissÀÀn, sillÀ tunneilla kÀydÀÀn liikkeitÀ lÀpi askel kerrallaan ja keskitytÀÀn oikean tekniikkaan harjoitteluun. Tunneilla tehdÀÀn paljon toistoja, hauskanpitoa unohtamatta.
TÀrkeintÀ Iidalle opettajana on kannustava ilmapiiri ja ettÀ jokaisella olisi turvallinen tila oppia uutta.
đ LisĂ€tietoja workshopista: [email protected]
Welcome to learn about the fun and fast-paced Shuffle dance! đđ„ The workshop is held by Iida Aalto, a Shuffle dancer and teacher from Turku.
Shuffle dance is a fast-paced, foot-focused street dance that was born in Melbourne, Australia in the 1980s. It is often danced to EDM, Techno and House. Shuffle is a fun way to move, and it improves coordination and especially strengthens the leg muscles. Iidaâs Shuffle classes have an encouraging and cheerful atmosphere.
You do not need any previous dance background or Shuffling experience for this workshop for beginners. We learn the basics of the Shuffle step by step together through repetitions and choreography. The workshop teaches the basic steps of Shuffle, e.g. running man and t-step, as well as choreography to different tempos.
Please bring indoor shoes or sneakers as well as a water bottle with you to the class.
đ Iida Aaltoâs Shuffle Workshop đ
đ Time: on Tuesday, the 7th of January 2025 at 17:00â18:30
đ Duration: 90 min
đȘ Level: beginners
đ Place: Flama Rauhankatu (Rauhankatu 15, Turku)
đïž Price: 22 âŹ
âĄïž Sign up:
đ Iida Aalto đ
Iida is a 25-year-old Shuffle dancer and teacher from Turku. Iida started learning Shuffle by herself with the help of YouTube videos and by attending a few workshops. Later, she started taking various online courses and private lessons from teachers around the world. Her style is a mix of Melbourne Shuffle and Cutting Shapes styles.
Iidaâs strength in Shuffle is especially technique, as she has spent a lot of time improving the different moves. She likes to break movements into pieces and study them. This is also reflected in her teaching style, as the classes go through the movements step by step and focus on practicing the correct technique. The classes involve a lot of repetitions, without forgetting to have fun.
The most important thing to Iida as a teacher is a supportive atmosphere and that everyone has a safe space to learn new things.
đ More information about the workshop: [email protected]
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Rauhankatu 15, FI-20100 Turku, Suomi, Koulukatu 16, FI-20100 Turku, Suomi,Turku, Finland