HELIUM | Dirbtuvės | Cirkas kaip įkvėpimas šiuolaikiniams scenos menams

Thu Sep 12 2024 at 11:00 am to 02:30 pm

Šiltadaržio g. 6, LT 01124 Vilnius, Lithuania | Vilnius

Men\u0173 spaustuv\u0117\/ Arts Printing House
Publisher/HostMenų spaustuvė/ Arts Printing House
HELIUM | Dirbtuv\u0117s | Cirkas kaip \u012fkv\u0117pimas \u0161iuolaikiniams scenos menams
Dirbtuvės: Cirkas kaip įkvėpimas šiuolaikiniams scenos menams [praktinis gidas]
Visi žino Picasso, tačiau ne daug, kas žino tikruosiuos Picasso cirko istorijoje. Ieškantiems - ten gausu įkvėpimo: nuo stiprių moterų, dalyvavusių pirmojoje feministinėje bangoje, iki XIX a. pabaigos triukų ir Hanlon Brothers akrobatinio teatro.
Pirmoje dirbtuvių dalyje nagrinėsime istorijas ir pavyzdžius, aktualiausius šiuolaikiniams scenos menams. Antroje dalyje ieškosime, kaip galime apjungti ir šviesiąsias ir tamsiąsias cirko istorijos puses, dalyviai kurs hipotetinę dramaturgiją pagal juos sudominusias temas.
Dirbtuvės atviros, turintiems cirko, šokio, teatro ar kitų scenos menų patirties. Ankstesnės cirko istorijos žinios nereikalingos.
Dirbtuves ves Harm van der Laan (Nyderlandai) - menininkas ir bendras meninis Tall Tales Company direktorius. Harm dėsto Codarts Roterdame ir yra knygos „Turning the cube“ bendraautorius. https://talltales.nl/
Dirbtuvės vyks anglų kalba rugsėjo 12 dieną, 11:00 - 14:30, Menų Spaustuvėje. Vietų skaičius ribotas.
Registracija >> https://bit.ly/HELIUM2024_Dirbtuvės

? Daugiau info www.menuspaustuve.lt
Festivalio HELIUM programą remia: Lietuvos kultūros taryba, Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė.

Circus history as an inspiration for contemporary performance practice (a practical guide)
Everyone knows Picasso, but few people are aware of the Picasso's of the circus. For those willing to look, there is a treasure trove of inspiration to be found. The fierce circus women who were an inspiration for and in many cases actively participated in the first feminist wave; the crazy tricks of the late nineteenth century - partly the reason that every old sports record has been shattered many times over is that the best athletes used to work in the circus; the abstract acrobatic theatre performances of the Hanlon Brothers; the political acrobatics and clowning of Commedia dell'Arte, the list is endless.
In the first part of this workshop, we dive into stories and examples that are most relevant to current performing arts practice. In the second part, we go on to create hypothetical dramaturgies based on the fascinations of the participants, and explore how we can do justice to both the beautiful and darker sides of circus history.
The workshop is open to anyone with a background in circus, dance, theatre or other performing arts. No prior knowledge of circus history is necessary.
Bio: Harm van der Laan (The Netherlands) is an artist and co-artistic director of Tall Tales Company, creating performances on the border of circus and physical theatre, as well as the Tall Tales Studio, which has become the main space for training and ongoing education of the Dutch circus community. Harm teaches circus history at Codarts Rotterdam and is co-author of the book ‘Turning the cube: Perspectives on codes through juggling and visual arts’. In 2025, he co-organises the first European Circus History conference, which will take place between February 28th and March 2nd in London. https://talltales.nl/
The workshop will be held in English on September 12, 11:00 - 14:30 at Arts Printing House. The number of participants is limited. Registration >> https://bit.ly/HELIUM2024_Dirbtuvės

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Šiltadaržio g. 6, LT 01124 Vilnius, Lithuania, Šiltadaržio gatvė 6, LT-01124 Vilnius, Lietuva,Vilnius, Lithuania

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