Heart Wisdom ~ Empowerment ~ Meditation ~ Soulful Women's Circle

Fri Oct 18 2024 at 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm UTC+10:00

Soul Space Brisbane | Newmarket

Kareena Glanville of Reclaim Her
Publisher/HostKareena Glanville of Reclaim Her
Heart Wisdom ~ Empowerment ~ Meditation ~ Soulful Women's Circle

A beautiful evening retreat for self-discovery & feminine empowerment to reconnect you with your Heart's Wisdom. Women's Circle ~ Meditation

About this Event

The most powerful thing you can do to transform and uplift your life is to connect to your own powerful inner truth ie. listen to your heart's wisdom

When you listen deeply and follow your heart's wisdom it impacts all areas of your life

🌿 You feel more inspired, joyful and enlivened

🌿 Your precious creations flourish including relationships, business ventures, your family

🌿 You begin to create the impact you desire and create a legacy you feel excited by

When you listen to your heart, you relinquish the hold of the ego and all it's fears, doubts and insecurities. Love is what becomes the force that guides your life forward.

As women, this is our super power. Our hearts want beautiful, powerful, inspiring things for us and our loved ones.

So you are in the right place if you are seeking space to:

🌿 Journey inward, reflect on your own yearnings and bring them to life

🌿 Bask in the sacred & the deep feminine wisdom you hold to create deep and lasting transformation

🌿 Take time to relax & retreat, feel loved & nourished

🌿 Be part of a warm-hearted community that uplifts, supports and inspires

We invite you to sit in circle with other women, connect with your powerful feminine essence ~ your intuition ~ through beautiful guided meditation and reflection and get back in touch with that intuitive knowing of who you are in your fullest, most authentic self.

This is for women who are seeking connection, self exploration, empowerment and a deeper knowing of who they are.

Each month we'll explore different transformational, awakening feminine empowerment themes.

We invite you to a nourishing HEART-FULL evening retreat

Here’s what to expect:

💛 A beautiful, heart enriching, soulful in-person women’s space

đź’› Guided meditation & prompts for intuitive reflection & self exploration

đź’› A sharing of wisdom & insight specific to a changing monthly theme

đź’› Heart opening space of connection with other warm hearted, like minded women

đź’› Light refreshments and loving conversation

No experience is necessary and each activity will be guided so you can relax, open and enjoy the experience.

These women’s only empowerment events are held on a regular basis (most months).

You can attend one or all of these evening retreats/circles as they are stand alone pieces.

"Thank you both SO much for such a wonderful and beautiful night. It was such an incredible experience and I can’t wait to join again"

Lauren B

Our Next Date will be

~ Friday 18 October

Time: 6pm-8pm’ish

Cost: $57. Please share this event with other women you think may benefit đź’›

This workshop is in person in Newmarket, Brisbane

đź’› Be sure to click Follow to hear about our future events on Eventbrite

What do I bring?



~ Anything to help you feel relaxed and comfortable (reading glasses may be required)

This beautiful 2 hour women's evening retreat is a gorgeous, rich and powerful space for you.

It's in this intentional space where you will connect with your heart, explore & acknowledge what’s deeply important to you, & reenergise your connection to the rich & powerful feminine wisdom (intuition) you hold within that guides your life.

You can attend one or all of the evening retreats as they are stand alone events.

Event Photos

<h4>Beautiful Words from some of the women in our Community</h4>

<h4>"..a beautiful soulful time of connection & reconnection with your heart"</h4>

~ Sharon

<h4>"What a lovely group of women you are bringing together.</h4>

"What a lovely group of women you are bringing together. I'm so happy to be part of it." ~ Jeannine

<h4>"...empowering and soul affirming"</h4>

"Being with other women with permission just to be and engage in simple intuitive exercises which are empowering and soul affirming" ~ Tanya

<h4>"Beautiful experience"</h4>

"Be Brave! Kareena and Sophie embody peace and love and make every person feel loved & important & valued. Beautiful experiences, with beautiful facilitation in a welcoming, peaceful space" ~ Yvonne

<h4>"...Make space in your life for this. It's important."</h4>

~ Tanya

<h4>"A beautiful experience. I wish it was longer."</h4>

~ Andrea

<h4>“...supported to discover more of myself ”</h4>

“This was a beautiful event, created with much care, love and devotion to each woman’s journey. I felt respected, safe, valued, embraced and supported to discover more of myself and connect to that deeper part of me that is forgotten in the stress of life. A heart full of gratitude for your amazing offering.” ~ SK

Event Photos

🌸 We'd love to share more with you.

Follow us on Instagram @ReclaimHer

Learn more about us here https://reclaimher.com

Be sure to click Follow us on Eventbrite at the top of this page to hear about all of our beautiful and transformational events.

About Your Facilitators

Kareena Glanville - Intuitive Transformation Coach for Women

Sophie Scanlon - Health and Wellbeing Coach and Event Creator

Co-Founders of Reclaim Her

Kareena and Sophie are sisters who share a deep passion for women creating heart-aligned lives. Both have experienced their own journey of moving from feeling lost, stuck and invisible to creating their own (very different) soul inspired lives.

The events Kareena and Sophie create are what they wished they had when they did their awakening journey...ie. events that support each woman wherever she is on her journey, a warm-hearted community of women, beauty, nourishment, self reflection, empowerment and lovingly guided activities that lead to deep and lasting transformation.

Kareena has coached women for 20 years in the areas of transformation, feminine empowerment, emotional wellbeing, intuition, meditation and connecting with their heart’s calling. With qualifications and training as diverse as Kinesiology, Bachelor of International Business, NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki Master, Birth into Being, Intuition & Conscious Creating ~ Kareena's superpower is the ability to really see where you are at, sit with you in your depths of challenge, see the possibilities and greatness that exist in you and gently hold your hand and guide/usher you forward.

Sophie's passion for natural health and fitness has seen her working in her own private practice, plus various health and wellbeing coaching and management roles including at the prestigious and internationally renowned health retreats Gwinganna and The Golden Door Health Retreat. She shares a wealth of knowledge around the many natural ways to bring more health, vitality and joy into life!

"Both Sophie and I have a deep compassion for the challenges that life can present for women and families. We understand women experience deep longing for change toward a heart aligned, fulfilling life and reach a point where they want more for themselves and their family. We believe each woman has her own path, and passionately support every woman to re-connect with her wise intuition and find her own 'right' way."

Kareena Glanville

* Based in Brisbane, Gold Coast (and online), Reclaim Her offers a range of events, retreats and experiences designed to help you step into the highest, happiest, most vibrant version of YOU!


What can I expect?

. A safe and supportive environment

. Time to relax and unwind

. Time for inner reflection

. A safe and encouraging space to explore who you truly are and give space to listen to your intuition

Can I book just one of the dates?

Each Heart Wisdom session is a beautiful stand alone event, so you can book one or all of them. We warmly encourage everyone to join us at each event as it's a wonderful way to foster stronger bonds within our beautiful Reclaim Her community, as well as create space to regularly listen to your inner wisdom, your intuition.

I’ve never attended something like this before! I have some feelings about that…

Every woman starts where you are. We have all felt nervous about the vulnerability of trying new things. We create a deeply safe space and outline some clear guidelines at the start so you will know exactly what to do. It’s also great to remember there will be others feeling the same way as you. We’ve got you and all you need to bring is your beautiful self and a willingness to try something new...it’s a beautiful, rich, welcoming and heart-warming space you are coming into.

This is a non-denominational, open-hearted space and all women are welcome.

Is experience necessary?

No, and each activity will be guided so you can relax, open and enjoy the experience.


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Soul Space Brisbane, 23 Parker Street, Newmarket, Australia


AUD 57.00

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