Me: good day I responded.
She said a friend of her's directed her to my space.
She: I learnt you make fine dresses.
Me: ???
Well, I came to make a basket gown, it's for the the first Sunday of the year program, please this is my fabric. Make it finer than Adinu's own.
She: How much?
Me: xxxx naira.
After haggling to and fro, we got to a compromise. She asked for my account details, and I gave her.
Shortly, I received a transfer from her, and I reached out and she said, when I come to pick it up, I will balance.
I sent my girls to get some of the materials for the clothe, but when I saw aunty that evening, she said Ma, it's like you charged me more than Adinu. I tried explaining that Adinu's style was less complex.
My people, Aunty asked that I return her fabric and money,if not " area fathers and mothers" will visit my shop.
I jejely gave her the fabric and refunded her, I no want trouble.
This is new year.
Did I do well or I should have stood my ground?
Event Venue
11 Idowu Ese Street, Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria