In the 20th year of our existence, the festival is entering its 18th round and brings new and old artists, musicians and makers of the global Gothic Pogo family together again in one place, back home to Werk2. Live concerts can be visited on three days between June 5th and 10th and international party areas on all five days. Everything between Deathrock, Postpunk, ElectroPunk and Minimal Wave will be there again. Decorations, visuals, smaller and larger specials and collaborations are waiting for you.
As always, the important thing is: a good time for all people, in a free space where they can celebrate together peacefully, respectfully and above all with joy.
Punk is support, not competition.
From the scene, with the scene – for the scene!
Im 20sten Jahr unseres Bestehens geht das Festival in die 18. Runde und bringt neue und alte Künstler*innen, Musiker*innen und Macher*innen der weltweiten Gothic Pogo Familie wieder zusammen auf eine Szenefläche, nach Hause ins Werk2.
An drei Tagen können zwischen dem 5. und 9. Juni live Konzerte und an allen fünf Tagen internationale Party areas besucht werden. Zwischen Deathrock, Postpunk, ElectroPunk und Minimal Wave wird wieder alles dabei sein. Deko, Visuals, kleinere und größere Specials und Kooperationen warten auf euch.
Wichtig ist wie immer: Eine gute Zeit für alle Menschen, in einem Freiraum, in dem sie friedlich, respektvoll und vor allem mit Freude zusammen feiern können.
Punk is support, not competition.
Von der Szene, mit der Szene, für die Szene!
Deathrock, (Post-, Horror-) Punk, (New-, Minimal-, Cold-) Wave, Obscure 80s
---Thursday 5th of June---
-Halle D / Doors 10pm-
> Festival Warm Up by Wiener Glut<
džana futti (eklextasy)
didi disko (laut fragen)
Mr.URNs (Tragedy Remains,IVUR)
mrs.pinkeyes (eklextasy, GLITTER+TRAUMA)
---Friday 6th of June---
-Halle D / Doors 9pm-
> Pogo guitars<
live on stage
Hear Me Out (GER)
The Guilt (SE)
Ghost Dance (GB)
Jan Endzeit (Crimson Night/GER)
Hollow Skies (Bruits de la Cave/GER)
Medusa (GER)
ZeitUngeist & Tankel Lux (Gothic Pogo/GER)
-Halle A / Doors 11pm-
(Market open from 9pm)
> fight war not wars by Symphonies Dissonantes <
Bonnie J (FR)
Chouchamp (FR)
Eden Cosmo (FR)
Unpleasant Disaster (FR)
Performance by Evilyn Frantic
---Saturday 7th of June---
-Halle D / Doors 9pm-
> Mexitanz - A night of mezcalwave<
live on stage
Obsolencia Programada (GTM)
The Berlangas (SE/ESP)
Björn Peng (GER)
on the decks
Perikkles (MEX)
Tracy Sputnik (Industra/MEX)
Joe Salone (Industra/MEX)
Alcyonek (Sintetika Secuencia/MEX)
Nigredo (Sintetika Secuencia/MEX)
-Halle A / Doors 11pm-
(Market open from 9pm)
> Undead Decadance<
DJ Yggdrasil
DJ Exploding Boy
---Sunday 8th of June---
-Halle D / Doors 9pm-
> the legendary Shock Wave marathon<
live on stage
Black Sun Dreamer (PL)
Die Tödin (GER)
Laura Krieg (CAN)
Aftershow with M / Andre / The Ringo (ShockWave/GER)
-Halle A / Doors 11pm-
(Market open from 9pm)
> Minicave<
Nina Door (Minicave, GER)
Friedi (Minicave, GER)
Poisondwarf (1334, AUS)
Cavey Nik (Dead and Buried, UK)
---Monday 9th of June---
-Halle D / Doors 10pm-
Final Night:
> Reformation Club meets Eisengrau<
Mara Mortem & Fil Noir
Sharleen Voyage, Testbild, Paura Diamante
For more information please visit the sites
PreSale starts from 15th of March
5-day-ticket = 58,00 EUR plus presale fees
Available at: tixforgigs, Reservix
The full Festival tickets are limited to 450, but day tickets will be available at the door!
If you are interested in vending at the GPFestival, please contact us: [email protected]
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
WERK2-Kulturfabrik, Kochstraße 132, 04277 Leipzig, Deutschland,Leipzig, Germany