GoodNews Festival Peterborough 2023

Thu, 31 Aug, 2023 at 10:00 am to Sun, 03 Sep, 2023 at 06:00 pm

Del Crary Park | Peterborough

Ark Of God Canada
Publisher/HostArk Of God Canada
GoodNews Festival Peterborough 2023 We welcome you to the Fifth Goodnews Festival Peterborough ( Formerly Bless Peterborough) Revival meetings.
This year it will be Tent Revival Meetings at the Park!
All denominations, churches , ethnicities, races, colours and groups are welcome to come together in unity in the name of Jesus Christ.
August 31 Thursday to September 03rd Sunday ( Labour Day long weekend)
Location: Delcrary Park, Peterborough, ON, Canada
This year we will be doing a little different than previous years. HolySpirit has given us the leading to do in a strategic way to encourage, empower and equip the body of Christ to be fruitful in the kingdom of God by effectively administering the heavenly authorities to build a better community and nation by transforming the lives of people.
We will be having three sessions;
1)Power evangelism training conference inside the Tent.
Aug 31, Sep 1st and Sep 2nd
10:30 am to 12:30 Noon
HolySpirit designed sessions for anointing, impartations, training on evangelism, healing prayers and teaching from the word. You don’t want to miss this as an individual or as a church or group. Register through the website to attend these three days sessions to change your lifestyle and also your church. Attend these sessions and also send your people.
2) City outreach :
August 31st to September 2nd
2PM to 4 PM
Practical manifestations on what being taught during morning sessions by sharing gospel and praying for people in city streets. Location and teams will be announced on the day . Team by team people will be send out to minister to Peterborough city and nearby towns. They will be preaching gospel, praying for people and also inviting all to the evening Goodnews festival at the park.
3) GoodNews Festival Tent revival evenings
August 31st to September 2nd - 06 PM
September 3rd Sunday - 03 PM.
Worship , Testimonies, messages, prayers for healing and deliverances.
Different ministries are partnering with Ark of God Canada & Disciple a city to conduct these meetings.
Sunday September 3rd , we will start by 03pm and ends by 06 PM. There will be free BBQ for all who are attending.
What is Goodnews Festival?
Following the commandment of Jesus Christ to proclaim the Goodnews across nations, Ark of God Canada ( AOGC) is travelling from town to towns and city to cities to declare the goodness of God to bring revival ,healing, blessings and societal transformation .
A time of worship, gathering, testimonies, messages, healings and miracles . We have seen tremendous changes and revivals in cities , towns and churches for empowered following these gospel events.
These events are designed for bringing revival in community for a societal transformation in spiritual, mental, physical and financial areas.
Is this a religious event?
No this is a spiritual event focusing on spiritual, physical , emotional and economic wellness of society through music, worship, prayers and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We welcome you all from every denomination or religion or colour or race
We will be praying for the sick . Jesus loves, Jesus Saves, Jesus heals. Bring your family or friends who are sick, we will be praying for them.
We invite churches, pastors and groups to come together.
We are looking for volunteers , supporters , prayer warriors for these events and other events . Reach out to us through the volunteer form given in the website.
All the events are free, Goodwill offerings are accepted.
You can find more details at
or by following our Facebook page.
Arkofgodcanada .
Register to attend the power conference and also to volunteer.
Are you interested in partnering with us to conduct indoor or outdoor revival gatherings or outreaches at your church or community? , please reach out to us .

Event Venue

Del Crary Park, 1 Rink St,Peterborough,ON,Canada


USD 0.00

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