About this Event
Please find the information in English below
Gwahoddiad Agored
Mae’n bleser gallu estyn gwahoddiad agored i unigolion LHDTCRhA+ (LGBTQIA+) yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru ddod draw i Nyth (Frân Wen) ym Mangor i gyfarfod pobl cwiyr eraill, cymdeithasu, gwylio darlleniadau o ddramâu cwiyr a rhannu barn a safbwyntiau am y dramâu a’r hyn mae’n ei olygu i fod yn LHDTCRhA+ yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru heddiw.
Beth yw GogLais?
Mae’r sesiynau yn rhan o GogLais, prosiect newydd gan y sgwennwr, Gareth Evans-Jones, sy’n archwilio profiadau cwiyr yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru heddiw.
Y gobaith yw bydd eich mewnbwn yn ysbrydoli drama newydd sbon.
Cynnwys y sesiynau:
Bydd actorion proffesiynol yn perfformio darnau o’r dramâu cwiyr canlynol:
- Wyneb yn Wyneb gan Meic Povey
- Es & Flo gan Jennifer Lunn
- 5 Guys Chillin’ gan Peter Darney
- Overflow gan Travis Alabanza
- Vampire Lesbians of Sodom gan Charles Busch
- Byddwch yn trafod y dramâu hyn a’u themâu, ac i ba raddau maen nhw’n cyfleu profiadau o fywyd cwiyr yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru.
- A bydd cyfle i gymdeithasu ag eraill.
Nos Fercher 27 Tachwedd: 7pm - 8.30pm
Nos Fercher 4 Rhagfyr: 7pm - 8.30pm
Nos Fercher 11 Rhagfyr: 7pm - 8.30pm
Nos Fercher 15 Ionawr 2025: 7pm - 8.30pm
Nos Fercher 22 Ionawr 2025: 7pm - 8.30pm
I bwy?
Os ydych chi’n byw yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru, mae eich llais yn bwysig iawn i'r prosiect yma, ac mi fuasai’n wych cael eich cwmni.
Mwya’n byd o safbwyntiau amrywiol o bob rhan o'r gymuned LHDTCRhA+, gora’n byd!
Iaith y digwyddiad / Language of the event
Bydd y digwyddiad yn digwydd yn benanf drwy'r Gymraeg, ond bydd cyfieithu ar y pryd i ofalu bod pawb o bob lefel o allu siarad Cymraeg yn gallu bod yn rhan.
The event will be held through the medium of Welsh mainly, but there will be simultaneous translation available to ensure that everyone of all levels of fluency in Welsh can take part in the event.
Cynlluniau tymor hir
Ar ôl y sesiynau cychwynnol hyn, bydd cyfle i chi ddilyn a chyfrannu i’r broses o greu'r ddrama i sicrhau bod eich lleisiau wir yn cael eu clywed.
Bydd y ddrama yn un Gymraeg yn bennaf, ond rydym yn annog cyfranogwyr o bob lefel o allu i siarad Cymraeg i ddod draw – boed yn siaradwyr newydd neu’n gwbl rugl.
Cysylltwch â Gareth Evans-Jones, arweinydd prosiect GogLais, drwy [email protected]
Dymuna GogLais ddiolch yn gyhoeddus i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru am gefnogi’r cam cychwynnol yma yn y prosiect, a diolch i Frân Wen am y gefnogaeth drwy roi Nyth yn ofod i’r cam cyntaf.
Open Invitation
It is fantastic to be able to extend an open invitation to LGBTQIA+ people who live in north-west Wales to come along to Nyth (Frân Wen) in Bangor to meet other queer people, socialise, watch readings of queer plays and share opinions and views about those plays and what it means to be LGBTQIA+ in north-west Wales today.
What is GogLais?
The sessions that will take place in Nyth (Frân Wen) are part of GogLais, a new project by writer, Gareth Evans-Jones, which explores queer experiences in north-west Wales today.
And the hope is that your input will inspire a brand new play.
Content of the sessions:
Professional actors will perform pieces from the following queer plays:
- Wyneb yn Wyneb by Mike Povey (English translation will be available)
- Es & Flo by Jennifer Lunn
- 5 Guys Chillin' by Peter Darney
- Overflow by Travis Alabanza
- Vampire Lesbians of Sodom by Charles Busch
There will be a chance to discuss these plays and their themes, and to what extent they reflect experiences of queer life in north-west Wales.
And there will be an opportunity to socialize with others.
Wednesday 27 November: 7pm - 8.30pm
Wednesday 4 December: 7pm - 8.30pm
Wednesday 11 December: 7pm - 8.30pm
Wednesday 15 January 2025: 7pm - 8.30pm
Wednesday 22 January 2025: 7pm - 8.30pm
Aimed at who?
If you live in north-west Wales, your voice is so significant for this project, and it would be great to have you in the meetings.
The more diverse perspectives from all parts of the LGBTQIA+ community, the better!
Language of the event
The event will be held through the medium of Welsh mainly, but there will be simultaneous translation available to ensure that everyone of all levels of fluency in Welsh can take part in the event.
Long-term plans
After these initial sessions, you will have the opportunity to follow and contribute to the process of creating the play to ensure that your voices are really heard.
The play will be predominantly Welsh (and at times Wenglish!), but we encourage participants of all levels of ability to speak Welsh to come along - whether they are new speakers or completely fluent.
Please contact Gareth Evans-Jones, who co-ordinates the GogLais project, via [email protected].
GogLais wishes to publicly thank the Arts Council of Wales for supporting this initial stage in the project, and Frân Wen for the support by providing Nyth as a space for the first stage.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Frân Wen, Garth Road, Bangor, United Kingdom
GBP 0.00