God Goes Deep arrives to Sydhavn for the first time and presents an absolutely magical evening on the water at Kirkeskibet 2450! Arrive early for this intimate experience with room for only 80 people, nothing is required of you – just be and let yourself be inspired.
Free entrance!
This carefully curated line-up will make us float into a universe of calm and light - boosting our energy with ambient music.
KL. 20.00 - 21.00 Secret Sound Service live
KL. 21.00 - 22.00 AYO live
Døre kl.19.30
Amazing visuals by B612
Amazing sound by Audio in Balance
Artist info and links:
AYO is a solo project started by the Danish electronic composer Julie Schønherr Rosengreen.
She has a bachelor degree in electronic music and sound art from the Danish National Academy of Music.
AYO moves within the ambient genre and strives to create a timeless universe of atmospheric, dreamy and organic sounds that gently but persistently make one's body and mind move towards a fundamental earthy connection. She has a deep fascination for nature and incorporates this into his live performance, by, among other things, letting plants and water generate the sound we hear, which makes every performance new and unique.
AYO she has been touring all over Europe since 2015.
Secret Sound Service:
Secret Sound Service is a danish based music project and label, established in 2006, to chillout the fast paced society we live in today. Here is a few words from founder Lui, who will be creating a soundscape for us this evening.
"I have had the pleasure of attending several of the God Goes Deep events, which have always left me with a peace of mind.
It is with great honour that I am invited, to tailor and play a live set that contributes to this unique experience through divine surroundings, light & sound".
In danish:
AYO er et solo projekt startet af den danske elektroniske komponist og lydkunstner, Julie Schønherr Rosengreen. Hun bevæger sig inden for ambient genren og bestræber sig på at skabe et tidsløst univers af atmosfæriske, drømmende og organiske lyde, der blidt men vedvarende får ens krop og sind til at gå hen mod en grundlæggende jordnær forbindelse. AYO har en dyb fascination for naturen og inkorporer dette i sin live optræden, ved bla, at lade planter og vand generer den lyd vi høre.
AYO har optrådt på nogle af de mest anderkendte festivaller i Europa.
Secret Sound Service er et danskbaseret elektronisk og ambient musikprojekt og -label, etableret i 2006.
Her et par ord fra grundlæggeren Lui, som vil skabe et ambient soundscape live for os denne fredag aften på vandet. "Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af at deltage i flere af GGD-arrangementerne, som altid har efterladt mig med ro i sindet. Det er med stor ære, at jeg er inviteret til at skræddersy og spille et sæt, der bidrager til denne unikke oplevelse i guddommelige omgivelser, lys & lyd".
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Kirkeskibet 2450, Copenhagen , Denmark