About this Event

A four-day retreat with Steve Nobel & Liz Findlay during the Summer Solstice to awaken the magician within you, open your chakras, tap into soul gifts and activate a radical flow of abundance in the sacred land of Avalon.

Starseeds have incarnated on Earth as magicians, as pioneers in consciousness, map makers and way-showers helping to raise the love vibration of the human collective. Join us on this four-day retreat aimed at awakening the magician within you, opening your chakra/auric system, tapping into your soul gifts and activating a radical flow of abundance!
The Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is when one of Earth's poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun. This happens twice yearly, once in the Northern hemisphere and once in the Southern. This is the day with the longest period of daylight and shortest night of the year. A time of magical energy that has long been celebrated by pagan people around the world. Being the time of year that we are closest to the Sun, it reminds us of the abundance of energy radiating out from the Sun that we can use to uplift, inspire and energise. We will harness this time and energy in our work in activating the Starseed Magician. On the actual Solstice day, being Saturday 21st June, we will be visiting 2 sacred sites in Glastonbury.
Starseeds are Magicians
You are a Starseed and you are here with a mission. That mission begins with an awakening. There is a journey out of the 3D Matrix into a new reality. Starseeds are natural alchemists and magicians. As an alchemist, they learn to transform toxic energies. As a magician, they learn to create their reality, shifting it from a lower vibrational experience to a higher range of experiences. Once this has been mastered, then comes the work of service or assisting in co-creating a New Earth.
Starseeds and Vibration
Starseeds are natural magicians when it comes to working with vibration. They are naturally repelled by lower toxic vibrations and attracted to higher vibration of joy, love, play, wisdom and so on. When you raise your vibration, you open new doors of possibility in your reality and close other doors that are not in alignment with your soul’s chosen destiny.
Starseeds are Multidimensional
Meaning you have a vast range of resources within you. Your soul contains many experiences and is working across many lifetimes across time/space/dimensions, including this 3D dimension (which is now shifting to 5D). Now is a good time to shift away from lower frequencies of fear, greed, resentment etc, and embrace higher frequencies of love, joy, happiness, gratitude, enthusiasm, wonder, bliss and so on. Together, it is possible to create heaven on earth.
Magic is the New Norm
We have long regarded magic as something etheric and mysterious, only available to a selected few, but magic is the new norm for Starseeds as it is the way they awaken their highest potential. These qualities just lay dormant within us for as long as we are ruled by the 3D Matrix and its limitations. It is now time to Awaken the Magician within and embody the Creator that you have come here to be.
Abundance is Your Birth Right
Abundance is the natural state of the Universe. The Sun gives light and energy 24/7. One sunflower contains enough seeds to fill a field full of sunflowers. The abundance of the Universe is given generously. Scarcity is something that is created in a low frequency human world. Starseeds are here to clear old scarcity patterns and birth a new possibility on the earth-plane.
This is an in-person retreat over four days in Glastonbury, UK, and you need to be able to attend on all four days.
Tickets must be purchased through Eventbrite in advance. No ticket sales at the door. Please see below under "Important Information" for what your ticket includes.

OVERVIEW: During this retreat, we will explore how Starseeds can awaken and embody more of our inner magician. This will be done through practical exercises, attunements, meditations and transmissions that will support us in awakening the magic and higher vibrations that are within each of us, waiting to come forth. There will be focus on opening the chakras and the inner channel, clearing any energetic blocks and expanding the aura. We will weave in exercises to raise our vibrations, as well as activating our soul gifts, and our ability to manifest a flow of abundance on the earth-plane.
We will be connecting to our Higher Selves, Teams in Spirit of the Highest Light & Resonance, Unseen Friends, Star Races and Galactic Races here to assist us, as well as Archangels (our space is always loving held by 6 Archangels). We will explore the concept that the world is our mirror. We use processes to upgrade the ego so that we know that we are all magicians, alchemists, and reality transformers.
There will be group processes for dream-weaving, deep transmission-meditations and also space for reflection. We will explore the main Sacred Sites of the magical land of Avalon: the Tor (an ancient Druid Hill and Labyrinth), Chalice Well Gardens (a beautiful Feminine sacred space to connect with the ancient well waters and elemental energies), Glastonbury Abbey, and Wearyall Hill (said to be the landing place of Joseph of Arimathea). We will also utilise some of these magical spaces for some group activities and ceremonies.
We will begin each day in the wonderful event room we have booked at Abbey House that has beautiful views of Glastonbury Abbey. Many of our exercises and processes will be done in this retreat room. There will also be excursions to local sites and magical spaces. All details will be provided after booking.
There will be time for lunch each day, as well as tea breaks with tea/coffee provided at Abbey House during our designated breaks. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch and eat in the grounds of Abbey House, or eat at the many local restaurants and cafes. Again, more details will be provided after booking.

Riding on the Solstice energies, we have organised an extra blessing for you of a Cacao Sound Session on the Sunday morning with our dear friend, , and his Team from The Humble Bear.
You will have the opportunity to experience a Cacao Ceremony infused with the frequencies of Singing Bowls as you receive and integrate.
The Cacao, with its amazing qualities and powerful anti-oxidants, will help you quieten your mind, connect with Mother Earth, align with the Universe and deepen your ability to go within. The ceremony aids with inner processing and guidance, helping to release blockages in your life and energy system.
The Singing Bowls help to harmonise your physical and energetic bodies to integrate the intention of the space we are creating together. This brings balance & sends ripples of resonance to birth us into our natural state of being and frequency.
This event is only open to Retreat Participants and is included in your Retreat ticket. If you choose not to join for this session, please note that we do not offer part-refunds.
Our preferred brand of Cacao is “Full Power Cacao”, which is ethically sourced in Venezuela. If you would like to pre-order a bag to take home with you from the retreat, please click on Matt’s website here: Pre-Order

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a NO-alcohol event and so we do ask that you honour this. If you feel you are unable to go without alcohol for the duration of this event then we ask you kindly not to book a ticket. Frequent alcohol use can bring entities and we would prefer to keep our event space safe, protected and high vibe. Thank you for understanding!
BOOKING TICKETS: Please only book 1 ticket in your name and ask your friends and partners to book their own tickets if they are also joining. This is for administration purposes.
The fee does include the Cacao Sound Session and entry to all sites that require a ticket. There will be excursions to the sacred sites in Glastonbury during the retreat and so a certain mobility/ability to walk unassisted is required. For those less able to walk long distances, you might wish to rest during The Tor excursion as this is a climb up a hill.
Abbey House, Chilkwell St, Glastonbury, BA6 8DH
Built as a residence in the early 19th century, Abbey House retains much of its Tudor Gothic character. It features spectacular views of The Abbey ruins, and 4 acres of spacious grounds and garden.
Please see here for information in the (hopefully) unlikely situation you need to cancel. We require 30 days' notice via email for a full refund, minus any fees Eventbrite wish to take. Where an event is sold out and has a waiting list, we will gladly contact everyone on the waiting list to try and sell your ticket. Should someone wish to buy it, we will refund you in full, minus any fees Eventbrite wish to take. Should no replacement attendee be found for your ticket, unfortunately we will be unable to refund you due to upfront costs involved for us booking venue hire etc. Where an event is not sold out and there is no waiting list, you are most welcome to find your own replacement. Should travel restrictions be reintroduced, we will offer all affected parties a full refund. We also reserve the right to cancel this event should we be unable to reach the location due to any travel restrictions. We sincerely hope this will not be the case.

Liz Findlay is a Starseed, Reiki Master Teacher, and Animal Healer with her own business offering multifaceted healing for both people and animals. Originally from South Africa, Liz moved to the UK in 2008 and this propelled her further on the path working with Angels, crystals and healing in general. Liz trained with Steve Nobel in his 'Soul Matrix Healing' system. They run workshops and retreats together in the UK and abroad, as well as Starseed Business Networking on Zoom each month. Liz also runs webinars on working with energy and spirituality, as well as practical webinars helping spiritual entrepreneurs. She produces free meditations and podcasts available on YouTube, SoundCloud and Insight Timer. She also offers 1-to-1 sessions on Zoom for Starseeds, as well as companion animals. . She also offers 1-to-1 sessions on Zoom for people, as well as companion animals. Visit her website here.
Steve Ahnael Nobel is the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent is entitled ‘The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. He is a book mentor and spiritual coach. He was a director of a not-for-profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, after leaving he began his own work. He created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing. He also began creating a series of transmissions which are freely available on his website and YouTube channel. These transmissions are played all over the world and Steve received an award from YouTube in August 2021 for reaching 100K subscribers. He runs various events to support Starseeds on their journeys, such as webinars, workshops and retreats, as well as 1-to-1 sessions on Zoom. Visit his website here.

Matt 'The Humble Bear' Hillier is a certified life & spiritual coach, soul alignment mentor, galactic & soul language channeler, as well as a Reiki Master, Angelic Reiki practitioner, Theta Healing practitioner and Cacao Ceremony facilitator. He also runs retreats to help people to align with their highest purpose and intent.
He was lead to cacao as part of his super charged journey of self discovery and transformation.
"Cacao has changed my life and opened my heart like never before and I have witnessed the same and more in others. This is what I want to share with YOU!" - Matt Hillier
See more about Matt, his offerings, and his incredible spiritual journey on his website here.

Free Tracks by Steve Nobel:
Affirmations: I Am a Starseed Magician
Avalon Starlight Transmission: Reclaiming Ancient Gifts/Treasures
Avalon Holy Grail Transmission: Reawakening the Archetype of the Feminine Christ
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Abbey House, Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, United Kingdom
GBP 485.00