Bí linn fá choinne dhá ghearrscannán a thaispeánfar a dhéanann glórtha atá ar iarraidh inár bpobal a scrúdú agus a cheiliúradh. Beidh an deis agat do smaointe a chomhroinnt le saineolaithe eile scannán ag ár dtob-Ghaeltacht a bheas ar siúl ina dhiaidh, le ceol beo agus beár domhain san oíche!‘Mise’
Clár faisnéise gairid arna léiriú ag Tionscadal Oidhreachta LADTA+ Dhún na nGall a scrúdaíonn leathanaigh cheilte leabharthaí staire an chontaí le scéalta gan inse a bpobail LADTA+ agus comhghuaillithe a nochtadh.
‘Cén chuma atá ar an Éireannachas?’
Tá an gearrscannán dátheangach seo bunaithe ar scéalta pearsanta 15 Éireannacha ar minic a cheistítear iad faoina bhféiniúlacht. Tugann sé dúshlán claontacht daoine agus osclaíonn sé comhrá ar an dóigh a smaoinímid faoi fhéiniúlacht Éireannach an lae inniu. Le fotheidil Bhéarla.
Join us for the screening of two short films that explore and celebrate missing voices in our community. You’ll have the opportunity to share your thoughts with others at our ensuing Pop Up Gaeltacht, with live music and a late-night bar!
A short documentary produced by Donegal LGBTQ+ Heritage Project that delves into the hidden pages of the county's history books to unveil the untold stories of their community of LGBTQ+ and allies.
'What does Irishness look like'
This short bilingual film by Ola Majekodumi is based on the personal stories of 15 Irish people who are often questioned about their identity. It challenges people's prejudice and opens a discussion on how we think about today's Irish identity. Subtitled in English.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
37 Great James Street, BT48 7DF Derry, United Kingdom, 37 Great James Street, Londonderry, BT48 7DF, United Kingdom,Derry/Londonderry, Derry