About this Event
Join us for this friendly Bookbug Session in Gaelic at Falkirk Library. You don't need to be a Gaelic speaker to join in the fun!
Bookbug Sessions are free, welcoming sessions for babies, toddlers and their families to enjoy together. They’re suitable for ages 0-5 and are a great way to bond with your wee one and meet with other families.
At a Bookbug Session, you’ll find gentle songs for bouncing babies and chances to move for toddlers who've found their feet. There are stories and also a few rhymes you might remember from your own childhood.
Booking information
Register from 2 weeks before the session. Sessions take place on the last Monday of the month (apart from July and August).
* ***
Thig còmhla rinn airson an t-Seisean Bookbug càirdeil seo ann an Gàidhlig aig Leabharlann na h-Eaglais Brice. Chan fheum thu a bhith nad neach-labhairt Gàidhlig gus pàirt a ghabhail san spòrs!
Tha Seiseanan Bookbug saor an-asgaidh, a’ cur fàilte air leanaban, pàistean agus an teaghlaichean. Tha iad freagarrach airson aoisean 0-5 agus tha iad nan deagh dhòigh air ceangal a dhèanamh ris an fhear bheag agad agus coinneachadh ri teaghlaichean eile.
Aig Seisean Bookbug, lorgaidh tu òrain shocair airson pàisdean a bhreabadh agus cothroman gluasad airson pàistean a tha air an casan a lorg. Tha sgeulachdan agus rannan no dhà ann cuideachd.
Fiosrachadh glèidhidh
Clàraich bho 10m, dà sheachdain ron t-seisean. Tha tiogaidean airson aon inntrigeadh buidheann teaghlaich (suas ri dithis inbheach - chan eil mòran àite ann).
Feuch nach glèidh thu ach mas urrainn dhut a bhith an làthair
Tha sinn air aoigheachd a thoirt do chuid de thachartasan a chaidh a reic a-mach o chionn ghoirid far nach eil daoine air nochdadh airson an àite ro-ghlèidhte aca. Dh’ fhaodadh na h-àiteachan sin a bhith air an cleachdadh le teaghlaichean eile.
Tha sinn a’ tuigsinn gu bheil rudan ris nach robh dùil a’ tachairt. Ma ghlèidheas tu tiogaidean agus nach urrainn dhut a bhith an làthair tuilleadh, nach leig thu fios thugainn. Feuch an till thu na tiogaidean sa chunntas Eventbrite agad no cuir fòn no post-d chun leabharlann.
Bidh seiseanan a’ gabhail àite air an Diluain mu dheireadh den mhìos.
P lease only book if you are sure you can attend
We’ve hosted some sold-out events recently where people have not shown up for their pre-booked space. These spaces could have been used by other families.
We understand that unforeseen things happen. If you book tickets and can no longer attend, do let us know. Please return the tickets in your Eventbrite account or call or email the library.
More information
For more information on the Bookbug programme, please visit: https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/reading-and-stories/bookbug/
For more information about Gaelic Bookbug visit: https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/reading-and-stories/bookbug/gaelic-bookbug
For more information about your library visit and opening hours visit our website: https://www.falkirkleisureandculture.org/learning/libraries/
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Falkirk Library, Hope Street, Falkirk, United Kingdom