Register at: https://www.temeculachess.com/product/tuesday-tourney/55?cs=true&cst=custom
Tournament Schedule
Day: Tuesdays every week for 4 weeks starting on the first Tuesday of each month
Time: 7:00pm to 11:00pm
Location: Temecula Chess Club
Tournament Information
Members across ages and from all levels ranging from a beginner to a master level. Participants is required to have a USCF number from the US Chess Federation and must be a TCC club member.
This is a month-long tournament held every Tuesday for 4 weeks starting on the first Tuesday of each month. It has 2 rounds scheduled as below:
Round 1: 7:00pm
Round 2: 8:45pm
Time Control:
G/45 +5 seconds increment. Games normally last about three hours
Dual rated i.e. standard and quick USCF ratings will be affected
1st Place: $100
2nd Place: $60
3rd Place: $40
Entry Fee
$30 Registration Fee
Event Venue
Temecula Chess Club, Ynez Road, Temecula, CA, USA, United States
USD 0.00