About this Event
Join Micheal
Join Micheal at his Gong Studio, where you can expect a warm welcome, and an abundance of soothing, calming healing energies to leave you feeling Zen.
A Different Vibe Every Time
Micheal's Gong & Sound Baths each offer there own unique Vibe. Each one uses a combination of different instruments, energies, meditations and Intent. This monthly Full Moon session utalises our own internal Chi (energy) Crystal, Reiki, Spiritual and Lunar energies, together with the high vibrational energy from Micheal's Chau and large Wind Gongs, African Drum, accompanied by Koshi Aqua Chimes, and Rattle all blended together with spiritual Intent to provide you with a psycho-acoustic experience like no other.
Both the African Drum and the Gongs have a tremendous potential for lowering stress, calming and healing the mind and body, they cover the full spectrum of sound, vibrating, and massaging every one of the trillions of cells that make up your body. These healing vibrations are fully absorbed and assimilated. While on this journey we are returned to an intrinsic state of homeostasis, or optimal state of functioning.
Your Journey Starts Right Here
You are invited onto a very special and magical journey, one that will invoke your inner senses while calming,soothing and balancing your mind and body. Your destination is a place where wellbeing, relaxation and healing abide, a place where altered states of consciousness, plus high vibrational healing energy await you, and each journey promises to be different and different for everyone else.
Micheal's Gong Space will have been prepared for you, and will be brimming with Positive, Happy, Healing energy, which your aura will detect within minutes. These journey's can resemble a day dream, where your mind can feel miles away from your body, but your always connected. And as you slowly come back down to Earth, your body will be waiting for you, but it will feel different. Less Stressed, More Calm,Balanced, Uplifted and Energised. Most people say they feel lighter, and happier, having Sensed and Felt the Warmth and Love of the Universe.
Full Moon Sound Bath
The Full moon is not an ideal time to start a new project, thats reserved for the New Moon, but it is a perfect time to make amends, to let go of emotional baggage by embracing forgiveness and being kind to ourselves and others, which allows us to move forward, while freeing us from the worry, anxiety, guilt, anger and pain from keeping those feelings alive inside.
The full Moon is also a moment for letting go and going with the flow. A time to practice Self-Care, Self Love and Compassion. A time to journey inwards and release what no longer serves you, and by doing so will heighten your vibrational rate. Just as the New moon is a powerful time for intention setting, Full moons bring closure, and can help cleanse and clarify situations, especially when used in New moon manifesting.
The Moon has a Direct Effect on the Earths Oceans
The Moon has a direct effect on the Earths oceans and on our body. which cover around 70% of our planet is Ocean. Our bodies are also 70% water. The combined gravity of our Earth and the Moon creates a phenomena called tidal force which causes our ocean tides to change. It is believed that the gravity of the Moon also has a direct affect on us, depending on its position and phase. Understanding these lunar phases and the energies associated with each of them can help us to maximise our own mental and emotional energy, as well as harnessing these diferrent energies to our advantage.
The ancient Chinese as well as other cultures taught us that energy follows thought, and like attracts like.
These sessions at my Gong Studio are for between 1 and 3 guests. Tickets for these events are £17.50 (plus eventbrites fee)per person. The session time runs from 7 pm until 8.05 pm. There are three ticket types for this event, see photo below. From left to right, Reclined Chair and Footstool, Yoga Mat and my Chaise Longue Sofa. Each one is the same price. There is nothing you need to bring as I have blankets, cushions and eye masks.
Please try to avoid any large meals, and drinking any alcohol prior to arriving. It is quite normal for your body temperature to drop during a Sound Bath, or any energy work, and loose fitting clothes are recommended. This session combines High Vibration Crystal,Reiki,Sound and Qigong energy, as well as Lunar Energy.
There will be at least half an hour at the end to share your experiences and ask questions.should you wish to do so, or just soak up the high vibrational energies, with a filtered water.Micheal will encourage you to share your experience should you wish to do so.
Car parking is available for up to 3 cars, one on our drive and two at the front of our house.
Moon Crystals
As a qualified Crystal healer Michael has carefully selected several crystals, specifically for this Full Moon Sound Bath. The crystals Michael has prepared are aligned with the moon and will work seamlessly with the lunar energies. These include, Selenite, Moonstone, Opal, Clear Quartz and Hematite. These are for you to hold in your hand, and position on and around your body to maximise the lunar, and crystal energy further.
Selenite often referred to as liquid light describes these beautiful crystals perfectly which have appear to radiate a moon beam glow, which embodies the Goddess energy, and helps remove negative energy and help us communicate with our higher selves, and guides. Selenite is said to be a powerful healing crystal that promotes peace and calm, mental clarity, and well-being.
Moonstone Crystals are perfect and use the feminine energy from the Goddess also. Moonstone helps us tap into our intuition, and higher self. it incorporates abundance, fertility, inner strength, balance, love, stability and renewal. It can help us support success and good fortune. When embarking on new ventures. it can help our soothe feelings of stress and instability from within. It really has everything that is good for healing. Moonstone crystals can produce an unearthly sheen that appears to move under the stones surface, creating a glimmering fluid, almost hypnotising effect.
Opel's are beautiful crystals which can contain every colour of the rainbow.Leaving them in the Moonlight will recharge, and purify them fully. They will also help purify your thoughts giving us more clarity. Having all the colours of the rainbow they can be used to clear and unblock any of the chakras. They can amplify our thoughts and desires, bring balance to our body as well as expanding our consciousness and spirituality. They achieve this by raising the bodies vibrational level, in a similar way that sound healing does. They can help us to promote good karma, good fortune and luck, and it is said Opals can strengthen you in a thousand ways.
Clear Quartz offers an abundance of healing powers, known as the master healer, offering benefits to the mind , body and spirit. It offers enlightenment, encouragement as well promoting a clear and creative mind. It can strengthen the immune system and detoxify the body and serves as a guiding light for your soul. It has a calming relaxing effect on the mind and body providing us with ample positive energy. More importantly this crystal will co-ordinate and control the other crystals used in this session, with the Intent you have made to pull together the combined energies of the Crystals, Reiki and Sound, with that of the Lunar energy to make this an exceedingly transformational session coupled to your Intent.
Hematite Crystals look equally as mystical as the moon itself. Many may already know that they are excellent for strengthening our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. Hematite can dissolves negativity, and help bring balance between the body, mind and spirit, while enhancing the magnetic qualities of our yin and yang energies. They offer protection by preventing you from absorbing negativity from others while boosting our confidence. They help provide us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and creative thought. These crystals are more than capable of not only benefiting our Mental abilities, but even our emotions and moods can benefit,
Above. Micheal's Selenite Towers. These powerful Crystals have an amazing ability for connecting us to the higher dimensions of the universe.
What To Expect
If you have not experienced a Sound Bath before don’t worry there is no clothes to remove, or ‘getting wet’. The term ‘bath’ relates to you being ‘bathed’ in sound waves, and is a very unique experience where it can feel different each time, and also different for everyone present. Although this session is a Full Moon event you wont be required to sit in my Garden, as pleasant and tranquil as it is. Instead the session will take place in my Gong Studio, where the lunar energies will easily reach and benefit us all.
The sequence of events;
- Arrive at 7 pm.
- Introduction from Michael & intentions set
- Settled on your couch, or on your yoga mat, wrapped up in a blanket cosy and warm
- Lunar Crystals to hold and some placed around your body.
- The session begins with closing the eyes & abdominal belly breathing using a double breath in with, a brief pause and a long breath out with Koshi Air chimes
- A short Guided meditation using Qigongs Inner Smile directed into your heart chakra
- Repeating several healing affirmations , for love, forgiveness, & letting go to the soothing sound of Michael's Rattle.
- For this session Michael uses his Rattle,African Drum and two Gongs for approximately 50 minutes. he will be guided by intuition as well as his guides into the order they are used, and for the time they are used.
- Absorb the combined energies while being connected to the Universe, and Spiritual realm.
- You have now been Gonged.
- Michael will answer any questions you have, and encourage you to share your experiences, he also has a guide booklet with exercises that you can use at home to maximise your sessionfurther
- 8.05pm session concludes
"Slowing our breathing down is a free ticket to an altered state of consciousness" (New Scientist May 22 .2021 p. 37)
Your Healing Journey Benefits
- The belly breathing will remove any stale stagnant energy that has been trapped in your body & help you relax, slow your heat rate and help reduce your blood pressure.
- The Koshi Chimes, Rattle, African Drum and two Gongs will all help reduce your heart rate, and coupled to the breathing will help slow your brain waves from Beta, to Alpha.
- The crystals you will be holding have been Reikied so you will receive both Crystal and Reiki healing energy together for as long as you hold them.
- The crystals placed at your feet will draw any harmful negative energy out of your body, as well as keeping you grounded.
- The Selenite crystals placed near your head will help feed healing energies into your body.
- Michael's guided meditation will be an extended Healing Smile, and this will send both Qigong energy and Reiki healing energy directly into your heart chakra to help release any negative energy & feelings. We will also ground ourselves into the Earth before connecting to the Universe where we will use a range of affirmations to release, like, love & forgive
- Micheal will transition between Rattles, Drum and Gongs, helping your brainwaves to slow further taking you beyond Alpha into Theta and possibly Delta. Then your bodies vibrational rate will begin to rise, to match the high vibrations from the combined Crystal,Reiki, & Sound. As this happens any harmful negative energy in your body will begin to collapse, and fall away and this will initiate your body to begin healing. Your levels of calm and relaxation will increase, plus the soothing of your nervous system, strengthening your immune and energy systems and releasing a host of feel good hormones to make you feel good.
- During the Sound Bath you will be transported on a journey where you will feel the connection with the universe, and for some. These connections produce profound levels of peace and calmness as well as love.
- The powerful Lunar energy will be drawn into your energy field to provide you with more energy, clarity and inspiration
- Michael will send you all a Distant Crystal Reiki healing session, starting the following evening for 7 days to maximise your benefits further and help re-balance your energy and body systems.
The Session Ends. Congratulations You Have Been Gonged.
These journey's can resemble a day dream, where your mind can feel miles away from your body, but your always connected. And as you slowly come back down to Earth, your body will be waiting for you, but it will feel different. Less Stressed, More Calm,Balanced, Uplifted and Energised.
Most people say they feel lighter, and happier, having Sensed and Felt the Warmth and Love of the Universe.Although the session eventually comes to an end, as the Rattles, Drums and Gongs fall silent, the benefits certainly dont. After you return home Michael will send everyone a Distance Healing Crystal, Reiki session each evening starting the following evening (between 8 & 9 pm) for 7 days after. Please try to drink more fluids during this week to help flush out the toxins that will be released by your body as a result of the intensity of the combined four therapies.
Michael will have handouts to take away and will encourage you to continue using the powerful practises of abdominal belly breathing and Chi Kungs Healing / Inner Smile on a regular basis together with the Full Moon affirmations to help you maintain and improve further your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and wellbeing.
Experiencing Energies
During a Crystal Reiki Gong Bath it is very possible you will feel the connection with the universe. This can be a very memorable and emotional experience for many, but in a truly good and positive way. While you are in the protection and safety of the Gong Space, many people will experience positive feelings of peace, bliss,contentment, happiness, joy, compassion and love throughout the session as your body begins resonating at a higher frequency from the combination of Crystals, Reiki and Sound Vibrations.
It is possible for some people to experience very brief moments of anxiety, grief or sadness while harmful negative energies begin to collapse, and fall away and this is perfectly normal and beneficial to maintain our mental health.
Should this happen you can restart your deep belly breaths and or Qigongs Healing Smile at any point which will help to re-ground you, and minimise any anxieties or other negative feelings. Micheal incorporates periods of silence or "Sandhya" between the sounds, in order to help your mind process and release any negative experiences,and feelings. The 7 Crystal Reiki healing sessions you will receive afterwards, will also help greatly to completely re balance you and your energy.
Micheal's Gong Baths Offer The Following Free Benefits;
Get Rewarded for Coming back. Once You Have Purchased 6 Tickets for events of the same cost, Receive your next one Free
--- Plus ---
Every Person Receives a Free Distant Reiki Healing Session For One Week After Their Event
--- Plus ---
Free Refunds & Transfers if You Have to Cancel. Right up to the day before the event
The African Drum
Drumming can induce a natural “high” by increasing Alpha brain waves. When the brain changes from Beta waves (normal concentration) to Alpha waves, you feel calm and relaxed, and produce feelings of well-being and even euphoria, which may help people who suffer from mental illness, such as depression and anxiety.
When used with breathwork it quietens our minds further, helping to deepen our levels of calm and relaxation, as the brain releases positive happy hormones to help us feel good, while reducing our blood pressure, lowering tension, stress, and anxiety, and even reducing pain in the body.
Drumming helps connect the neuro-pathways between our left and right hemispheres of our brain. So, when the logical left hemisphere and the intuitive right hemisphere of your brain begin to pulsate together, your inner guidance system or intuition becomes stronger.
It has a calming positive effect on our central, and Vagus nervous systems.
Reduces anxiety and helps release any stagnant negative energy that has become blocked in our body and energy system. This allows us to receive deep healing and transformation.
Neurologist Barry Bittman, M.D. led studies on the potential benefits of drumming. Results show that participating in drumming circles helps to fortify and increase natural killer T cells that fight cancer and viruses therefore boosting our immune systems.
Drumming helps us connect to the Universe and spiritual energies which help boost our own energy, and bring feelings of Love and happiness.
Our body vibration increases enabling us to start healing ourselves.
Through drumming and journeying we can connect to our spirit guides and surround our hearts with love. This helps us feel stronger, having faith and trust in who we truly are and the bigger picture.
The Gongs
Gong sound therapy has been practiced for thousands of years, and Gongs are one of the first instruments to be used on our planet. Micheal uses two Gongs, and for optimal sound and effect these are pre Reikied, and programmed to blend with the sound energy to release both crystal and Reiki energy as they are being played into everyone present in the room.
The Gongs are played with a variety of mallets, and styles of play to avoid overly producing a monotonous rhythm. the sounds of the gongs can be both magical and haunting, and help connect us to the universe, and the creator of all things. Gong baths offer a psycho-acoustic gateway to a heightened state of consciousnesses, and awareness as the sound frequencies surpass the intellectual part of the brain before travelling to the core of the bodies cellular system where the healing qualities can be fully absorbed.
With Crystal, Reiki and Internal Qigong energy added this greatly increases the vibrational rate of our energy further, to turbocharge and bring a multitude of additional benefits.
Below. One of Micheal's African Drums
In Peace,Light and Love
Micheal ❤️😊
[email protected]
tel; 07792 694030
Is It Safe For Me?
Taking part in a combined Sound, Crystal,Reiki and Chi Kung healing session is considered safe for most people, regardless of age or fitness level, and my sessions are open to anyone from 18 years of age. Teenagers of 16 to 17 may attend with a parent.
Purely as a precautionary measure it is not recommended if you are pregnant, or have a pacemaker, epilepsy, seizures. Or if you have schizophrenia or Bipolar. If you are in any doubt about any of your medical conditions please speak with your GP first. Also please avoid any heavy meals or alcohol prior to, and after your Gong bath Thank you.
Some people can be affected by the Full Moon in a negative way,depression, adverse mood swings and even negative hallucinations for some, in which case the amplifying of the combined energies including the lunar energies should be avoided, and it is recommended that you do not attend this type of session.
What Some Attendees Have Said
"The full moon sound bath left me in total awe. I have been using the double breathing technique at bedtime with some of the affirmations you provided and what a difference. it is having, l feel happier with myself and l am starting to feel the love inside me" thank you so much micheal. M.B Hillheads.Newcastle.
"Total relaxation, in a very relaxing environment. The class enables you to switch off your mind completely (which is something not to be underestimated in these times). Immediately after the class my whole body felt invigorated, and my persona and general outlook on life was so much more sunny and bright for the weeks that followed. I felt that the class was a complete cleansing experience of my mind, body and soul and I would highly recommend it to everyone to give it a go." J.B. Newcastle Upon Tyne.
What a total chill out. I wouldn't have believed I could have relaxed to this degree. N.S. Bedlington, Northumberland.
My body felt as if was floating away, but in a nice way. Then my ear popped and it was if all my stress came out in one go, I felt great after that. D.C. South Shields. Tyne and Wear.
What an experience, I have meditated and practised yoga for years, but I wasn't prepared for this. It totally blew me away. K.W. Morpeth, Northumberland.
I came with my friend, and we were both a little sceptical at first, but as the session progressed my mind just drifted away to somewhere else. It certainly exceeded all my expectations. My friend said she has never felt so relaxed. We will both be back. H.T. Fenham, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Earlier this year I lost my connection and faith after my father passed away, and I hoped this session would somehow re-connect me, and restore my faith. It did, thank you so much Michael, I couldn't have asked for more. P.D. Felling, Gateshead.
I attended Michael’s gong bath . I’ve done gong and sound baths before but this was my best experience yet. If you’ve not tried it before I would definitely recommend, it’s very relaxing and hard to put into words how it makes you feel. Perfect start to a Saturday. A.S Newcastle
Michael is a great therapist. He is warm, friendly and above all, professional. I had a taste of my first ever Gong Bath yesterday. No water or nudity is involved! I lay on a couch feeling comfortable and secure while Michael created the most amazing healing sounds using a single Gong. I was transported to a place of bliss carried on the wings of the sound vibration. A very relaxing session came to an end and I needed some time to feel grounded again. Michael made me a cup of soothing herbal tea and I gradually returned to the land of living. I would highly recommend a session of Gong Bath therapy with Michael Fothergill R.S-A Newcastle Upon Tyne
Couldn’t agree more I too felt uplifted and energised following this session Would recommend this man without hesitation. His sound gong session was amazing and I can’t wait for the next one. C.W Stanley Co Durham
Its was lovely to see Michael today, had a gong bath treatment. I wasnt too sure what to expect, it was relaxing, through out the treatment. I suffer with slight back pain and has been on going for a while. I have found since having the gong bath my back feels so much better, i am so chilled. I would definitely recommend trying this. The experience is lovely and will be having more gong baths. Thank you Michael T.L Northumberland
The sound bath on Saturday was an amazing experience. So calming I was chilled out for the rest of the day. I will definitely be going again. L.F Northumberland
Your feedback and comments are important to me, and I would ask if you would take a few minutes to write a short review on your recent experience. On receipt, and with your permission.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Michael's Gong Studio, Chase Farm, Blyth, United Kingdom
GBP 19.46