Come play a Dungeons and Dragons one-shot adventure.New and experienced players are welcome. Space is limited to the first seven players to register and show up with completed character sheets. Registration is available on Discord or by contacting Isaiah.
This month, the one-shot is an adaptation of the adventure “Frozen Sick” by Matthew Mercer. After countless generations in a cloistered, subterranean society, the first of the interspecies humanoids of Othendell have emerged topside, discovering a snowy, desolate landscape outside. Cold, hungry and exhausted, these young exiles must find their place in this unforgiving new world. The first village they encounter meets them with distrust, but a strange malady spreading through town has made them desperate for help even from these exotic — some might say ‘monstrous’ — outsiders.
Players must bring a 2nd level character. You must follow the official character creation rules as written in the 2024 Player’s Handbook and you are encouraged (but not required) to create a custom hybrid species following the homebrew rules provided here in the Discussion tab.
$5 Entry; Each player gets a drink or snack.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
252 willow street, Manchester, NH, United States, New Hampshire 03103