Francesca Albanese - om Palæstina og vor tids største svigt

Wed Feb 05 2025 at 05:00 pm to 07:30 pm

Den Sorte Diamant - Det Kgl. Bibliotek | Copenhagen

Amnesty International Danmark
Publisher/HostAmnesty International Danmark
Francesca Albanese - om Pal\u00e6stina og vor tids st\u00f8rste svigt
Få en unik mulighed for at høre Francesca Albanese, FN’s særlige rapportør for menneskerettigheder i det besatte Palæstina, fremlægge sin analyse af situationen i Gaza. I løbet af 2024 har Francesca Albanese udgivet de to rapporter, ”Anatomy of a Genocide” og ”Genocide as colonial erasure”. Hun konkluderer, at der foregår et folkedrab i Gaza, og kæder det sammen med Israels årtier lange besættelse. Find rapporterne her:
Amnesty International offentliggjorde 5. december 2024 en omfattende rapport, der dokumenterer, at Israels regering begår folkedrab i Gaza. Hør Agnes Callamard - Amnesty Internationals øverste chef - fremlægge dokumentationen og give sit besyv på, hvorfor verdenssamfundet har svigtet palæstinenserne så massivt. Læs her:
Anden del af arrangementet handler om hvad Danmark kan gøre. Her vil der blandt andet blive sat fokus på retssagen mod den danske stat om våbeneksport til Israel. Hør generalsekretær fra henholdsvis Oxfam Danmark, Amnesty International Danmark og Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke fortælle og bevæggrunde for at tage dette drastiske skridt i brug for at holde Danmark fast på sine internationale forpligtelser. Resten af denne del af programmet vil blive offentligt snarest.
Programmet vil være på engelsk.
Der vil være en pause undervejs.
Billetpris: 100 kr. plus begyr. Pengene går til at dække udgifter i forbindelse med arrangementet.
Francesca Albanese – on Palestine and the worst failure of our Time
Get a unique opportunity to hear Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, present her analysis of the situation in Gaza. During 2024, Francesca Albanese has published two reports, ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ and ‘Genocide as colonial erasure’. She concludes that genocide is taking place in Gaza and links it to Israel's decades-long occupation. Find the reports here
On 5 December 2024, Amnesty International published a comprehensive report documenting that the Israeli government is committing genocide in Gaza. Hear Agnes Callamard - Amnesty International's Secretary General - present the documentation and hear her reflections on why the international community has failed the Palestinians so massively.
The second part of the event focuses on the role of Denmark and what the state can do. It will give you insights and updates on the lawsuit against the Danish state regarding arms exports to Israel. Hear the Secretary Generals of Oxfam Denmark, Amnesty International Denmark and ActionAid Denmark explain their reasons for taking this drastic step to hold Denmark up to its international obligations. The rest of this part of the programme will be published as soon as possible.
The event will be in English.
There will be a break during the programme.
Ticket price: 100 DKK + billetto fee
Oxfam Denmark, ActionAid Denmark and Amnesty International Denmark are behind the event.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Den Sorte Diamant - Det Kgl. Bibliotek, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, 1221 København K, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark


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