FPA Research Update 2022

Thu Sep 29 2022 at 09:30 am to 04:30 pm

Australian Education Union | Hobart

Forest Practices Authority
Publisher/HostForest Practices Authority
FPA  Research Update 2022
Forest Practices Authority 2022 Research Update
About this Event


The overarching objective of Tasmania's forest practices system is to achieve sustainable management of Crown and private forests with due care for the environment, while taking into account social, economic, and environmental outcomes. The forest practices system follows an adaptive management framework, which includes an emphasis on research, review, and continuing improvement.


The purpose of this annual event is to update stakeholders on research that is relevant to the conservation and management of natural and cultural values and socio-economic evaluation under the forest practices system.


The schedule has not been finalised, but presentations will include research relating to the Biodiversity, Earth Sciences and Socio-Economic Programs. We will send out a detailed schedule in early September.


Attendance can be in person, or via an online webinar. Please indicate your preference when registering. Those who select the webinar option will receive a link to join the webinar a few days prior to the event.

Lunch and teas will be provided to in-person attendees. Please indicate which, if not all, sessions you plan to attend, as space is limited.

Covid-19 Safety:

We also need your assistance to comply with all current COVID-19 regulations. For those attending in person:

  • please do not attend the research update if you are unwell prior to the day and let us know you are not coming (email or phone)
  • let us know if you feel unwell while at the research update
  • comply with social distancing and room capacity regulations
  • practice good hygiene with frequent hand washing and sanitising (using the sanitiser provided)


If you have any questions about the Research Update, please email Dr Amy Koch [email protected]


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Australian Education Union, Level 1, 32 Patrick St., Hobart, Australia


AUD 0.00

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