Entry is £5, payable on arrival, and also gets you entrance to our Rock DJ night afterwards.
If you can't make the run, please feel free to come down just for the rock night from 7pm anyways (entry is £3) - the more the merrier!
We have a 125 friendly route planned, starting and finishing at Atherton Collieries.
We are asking people to get to the Collieries around 10.00am (brews available), and setting off around 10.30am. We have 6 locations to visit in and around the local area, and will be a good day out riding together. Full details of the stops will be given on the day. Please arrive with a full tank of fuel.
The run will be riding in a pack, and anyone is welcome to join the ride us. Details on pack riding will be given during the pre-ride briefing, so if you haven't ridden in pack before, don't worry!
If you don't know what a poker run is, for each stop you make it to you will be given a playing card at each location. When we get back to Collieries (by 7pm at the latest!), your best 5 cards will make your playing hand, and we will record this down. The best 3 hands from all the riders will receive a prize!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, and we hope to see you there.
Event Venue
Atherton Colleries AFC - Skuna Stadium, Alder St, Atherton, Manchester, Atherton, United Kingdom