The Film ‘Changing Tides’ follows two Cairns locals, Lucy Graham and Mathilde Gordon, as they paddle 2042km through the Inside Passage, down the coast of Alaska and Canada, single-use plastic free!At this special screening, Lucy will be reflecting on the paddle through the Inside Passage and sharing the details of her next paddle, 3000+ KMs down the Yukon River in Canada and Alaska! As someone living with Stage 4 Endometriosis Lucy will also be sharing her journey to diagnosis, and how she keeps adventure in her life.
A member of QENDO will also join us for the night to share the incredible work they do supporting people, like Lucy, with managing their endometriosis.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Cairns Ses, 44-50 MacNamara St,Cairns,QLD,Australia, Manunda