A depressed man (Edward Norton) suffering from insomnia meets a strange soap salesman named Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) and soon finds himself living in his squalid house after his perfect apartment is destroyed. The two bored men form an underground club with strict rules and fight other men who are fed up with their mundane lives. Their perfect partnership frays when Marla (Helena Bonham Carter), a fellow support group crasher, attracts Tyler's attention.Fight Club
Directed by: David Fincher
Genre: Action | Thriller
Released 1999
Runtime: 139 min
Rated: R
Doors: 6:30 PM
Movie: 7:30 PM
Online Price
$8 General Admission
$6 CMC & Wealthy Theatre Member
Door Price
$10 General Admission
$8 CMC & Wealthy Theatre Members
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
1130 Wealthy St SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States, Michigan 49506