FESTIVAL GROUNDED 2024 | electronic music

Thu Aug 22 2024 at 09:00 pm to Sun Aug 25 2024 at 06:00 am

Metelkova city | Ljubljana

Festival Grounded
Publisher/HostFestival Grounded
FESTIVAL GROUNDED 2024 | electronic music
???????? ???????? letos s temo ??????? ?

Predstavljamo glasbeni program festivala Grounded za leto 2024, ki na sledi najaktualnejšim smernicam že osmo leto predstavlja najvznemirljivejše fenomene new gen, postklubske, eksperimentalne in (pre)drzne elektronike.

Otvoritveni četrtkov večer letos poteka v ????? ??????, kjer predstavljamo tri ekspresivne live-acte. ????? ??????, vokalistka in performerka, ki išče povezave med filmskim oblikovanjem zvoka, popom in hardcore fuzijo; vokalistka in so-vodja založbe avantgardne Dunajske založbe Ashida Park - ??????? ?? ter ???? ?????̌??̌ & ??? ???????? s predstavitvijo novega albuma “Mad Jakale”. Večer zaokrožuje Djka ??? ???, skokica iz lokalnega kolektiva Nimaš Izbire.
V petek na odru ???? ???? pišemo biblijo nove klubske zaveze ?. Prihaja škotska producentka ??????, ena najbolj odmevnih in ključnih vzhajajočih talentov abrazivne klubske produkcije; dansko-urugvajska_i senzacija ?? ?2?, internento zaznamovan_a producent_ka in dj_ka, ki upogiba vsa pravila klubske scene, južnosudansko-ugandska DJka in producentka ???????, ki obravnava plesišče kakor bojno polje, ki se hrani z napetostjo med zatiranjem in osvoboditvijo; hrvaška zvočna umetnica in Shape 2024 umetnica ??????; domača ?????? iz ljubljanskega kvir kolektiva Ustanova ter Slayvenski duo ??? ?????.

V soboto v objemu klubov ??????? ?? ??????? ne popuščamo. Klubsko polt nam kurijo ????, egiptovska producentka in DJka, so-ustanoviteljica neodvisne založbe “irsh” iz Kaira; ???????, igriva_i producenka_t in dj_ka iz Varšave najmlajše generacije, ki se preigrava med žanri z joystickom; hrvaška DJka in direktorica transžanrskega ZEZ festivala ??????????; Sarajevsko-Amsterdamska raziskovalka koral in članica Radićeva 1 kvir djskega kolektiva ??????, domača producentka in DJ petarda ??????, gospod “vinylmidejte” ?3?B in v roki s polno košarico klubskih dobrot - ??????, član DJskega dua The BPM Police in Slayvenija kolektiva.
???????? ???????? with this year’s theme ?????? ?

We’re announcing this year’s music program, which, in line with the latest trends, showcases a selection of the most exciting new-gen, post-club, experimental, and bold electronica for our eighth edition.
Thursday’s opening night at ???? ?????? brings three expressive live-acts. ????? ??????, a vocalist and performer looking for connections between cinematic sound design, pop and hardcore fusion; ??????? ??, vocalist and co-head of the cutting-edge Vienna based label Ashida Park and ???? ?????̌??̌ & ??? ????????, presenting their new album "Mad Jakale”. The evening is rounded off by a dj set by ??? ???, the bouncy ball of the local Nimaš Izbire club collective.
On Friday we write a new testament of the club bible at ???? ???? ?. Featuring ??????, one of the most wave-making key rising talents of the abrasive club sound; Danish-Uruguayan DJ and producer ?? ?2?, internet-influenced sensation and rule bender; South Sudanese-Ugandan DJ and producer ???????, who views the dancefloor as a battlefield, feeding off the tension between oppression and liberation; Croatian sound artist and Shape 2024 Artist ??????; as well as local DJ gems ?????? from the local queer Ustanova collective and Slayvenia club night resident duo ??? ?????.
On Saturday, in the embrace of ??????? ?? ??????? clubs, we do not relent. Our club-resilient skin is being schorched by ????, Egyptian producer and DJ, co-founder of the Cairo-based independent label "irsh"; ???????, a playful producer and DJ of the youngest generation from Warsaw, who plays between genres with a joystick; Croatian dj and transgenre ZEZ Festival director ??????????; Sarajevo-Amsterdam’s coral researcher and member of the Radićeva 1 queer collective ??????; local firecracker DJ and producer ??????; Mr. “gimmevinyl” ?3?B and ??????, part of the Slayyvenija club night and The BPM Police DJ duo, with a basket full of club goodies.

? K?V?R? (U?)
? D? ?2? (D?)
? A?T?N?A X? ?i?e (?T)
? ?K?K? ?A?U?A l?v? (U?)
? T?R?A?A (?G)
? ?A?A (?G)
? ?N?M?T? (P?)
? T?N?T? ?i?e (?R)
? ?U?A P?I?Č?Č & T?E F?M?N?L? l?v? (S?)
? B?B?L?N?K? (H?)
? U?A?E? (B?)
? G?N G?N (?I)
? ?A?E?A (?I)
? ?A?C?A (?I)
? ?R?M?A (?I)
? ?3?B (?I)
? ?A? ?R?X? (S?)
Klubske vizualne intervencije / Club visual interventions:
? ?i?e? ?a?b?
? ?i?a E?a
??????????? ???????? / ?????? ???????:
NA SPLETU / ONLINE: https://pretix.eu/dogodki/grounded2024/

? SUPER EARLY BIRD FESTIVALSKA KARTA // omejeno število // limited amount = 25eur

? FESTIVALSKA KARTA [predprodaja / presale] = 25eur
? FESTIVALSKA KARTA [na vratih / on door] = 30eur
? DNEVNA KARTA / DAILY TICKET [predprodaja / presale] = 10 (četrtek/thursday + sobota/saturday) /15eur (petek/friday)
? DNEVNA KARTA / DAILY TICKET [na vratih / on door] = 15 (četrtek/thursday + sobota/saturday) / 20eur (petek/friday)

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Metelkova city, Metelkova ulica, Metelkova ulica, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia


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