Cozy up for the animated Christmas comedy film, The Grinch - 'The Grinch' tells the story of a cynical grump who goes on a misison to steal and ruin Christmas, only to have his heart changed by a young girl's generous holiday spirit.The film starts promptly at 3pm in the Auditorium. Please arrive with enough time to find your seat.
The bar opens 45 minutes before curtain up and will remain open for the interval offering a selection of refreshments. Crisps and sweets can be purchased along with a delicious range of New Forest Ice Creams.
Ticket prices start from £5 (under 3s free) and include a cost of £2.00 for the license to show the film. This is a charity screening supporting Naomi House & Jacksplace.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Thornden Hall, Gynaechoice, Eastleigh, SO53 2, United Kingdom,Eastleigh