Invitation til deltagelse i konferencehøring om Fair Practice Kultur:(ENGLISH BELOW)
I en ny dansk undersøgelse peger et bredt felt af kunstnere og kulturarbejdere på, at et kodeks for Fair Practice kan skabe en ny norm for ordentlige arbejdsvilkår i kulturbranchen i Danmark.
Kom og hør mere om hvordan, når Dansk Kunstnerråd inviterer til konferencehøring om Fair Practice med oplæg fra Holland, hvor et kodeks, ’the Fair Practice Code’, i dag er en integreret del af offentlige kulturinstitutioners virke og en forudsætning for at få støtte til drift.
Du kan også få indblik i den danske undersøgelse, hvor mere end 100 kunstnere og kulturaktører i Danmark har undersøgt, hvordan en dansk model kan se ud, hvis den skal skabe bedre vilkår i branchen. Læs rapporten her:
Tid: 25.11. 2024 kl. 14.00 – 17.00
Sted: KLUB, Linnésgade 25, København K.
Gratis adgang.
Tilmelding senest 20.11.: [email protected].
Velkomst ved Søren Bang Jensen, forperson for Dansk Kunstnerråd.
Pien van Gemert: Om the Fair Practice Code in Holland
Esther Gottschalk: The Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Code for Commissions – kodekset i praksis
Noud van de Rhee: Implementing the Fair Practice code in the labour market
Heidemarie Meissnitzer: Kunstneres og kulturarbejderes arbejdsvilkår i EU
Maj Horn & Sine Tofte Hannibal: En dansk model for Fair Practice
Zenia Stampe, kulturordfører, Radikale Venstre
Åben samtale mellem tilhørere og oplægsholdere
Uddeling af Dansk Komponistforenings Fair Practice Pris 2024 ved Line Tjørnhøj, næstperson, Dansk Komponistforening
Drinks, snacks og socialt samvær
Moderator: Lene Johansen
Oplægsholdere: Pien van Gemert, programleder for the Fair Practice Code, Kunsten ‘92 i Holland; Esther Gottschalk, leder af Nieuw Geneco, forening for professionelle komponister i Holland; Noud van de Rhee, programleder Platform Acct, en organisation for kunstens og kulturens arbejdsmarked i Holland; Heidemarie Meissnitzer, Kulturministeriet i Østrig og tidligere forperson for EUs OMC-gruppe (Open method of Coordination); Zenia Stampe, kulturordfører, Radikale Venstre; Søren Bang Jensen, forperson, Dansk Kunstnerråd; Maj Horn & Sine Tofte Hannibal, initiativtagere til Fair Practice Kultur i Danmark.
Læs mere om konferencehøringen her:
Arrangementet er støttet af Augustinusfonden, Bikubenfonden, Koda Kultur/Dansk Komponistforening og Dansk Kunstnerråd.
Invitation: Conference hearing on Fair Practice Culture:
In a new Danish investigation, a wide group of artists and cultural workers suggest, that a Fair Practice Code could create a new norm for decent working conditions in the cultural sector in Denmark.
Learn more about how, when the Council of Danish Artists invites you to a conference hearing on Fair Practice with presentations from the Netherlands where the Fair Practice Code is now integrated in the framework of public cultural institutions and a prerequisite for receiving funding for their operations.
You can also gain insight into the Danish investigation, where
more than 100 artists and cultural organisations in Denmark have investigated what a Danish model could look like, to create better working conditions in the sector. Access the report here:
Time: 25. November 2024 at 14:00 - 17:00
Location: KLUB, Linnésgade 25, Copenhagen.
Free admission.
Register by 20. November: [email protected]
Welcome by Søren Bang Jensen, chairperson of the Council of Danish Artists
Pien van Gemert: About the Fair Practice Code in Holland
Esther Gottschalk: The Fair Practice Code in Practice
Noud van de Rhee: Implementing the Fair Practice code in the labour market
Heidemarie Meissnitzer: On the status and working conditions of artists and cultural and creative professionals in EU.
Maj Horn & Sine Tofte Hannibal: A Danish model for Fair Practice
Zenia Stampe, political spokesperson on culture, Radikale Venstre
Open discussion between speakers and audience
The Fair Practice Prize 2024 by Line Tjørnhøj, vice chair of the Danish Composers Society.
Drinks, snacks and social gathering
Moderator: Lene Johansen
Pien van Gemert, programme leader of the Fair Practice Code, Kunsten 92 in Holland; Esther Gottschalk, director of Nieuw Geneco, the Dutch professional association for composers; Noud van de Rhee, programme manager of Platform Act, a platform for the cultural and creative labour market in Holland; Heidemarie Meissnitzer, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport and former co-chair of the EU OMC-group (Open method of Coordination); Zenia Stampe, political spokesperson on culture, Radikale Venstre; Søren Bang Jensen, chairperson of the Council of Danish Artists; Maj Horn & Sine Tofte Hannibal, initiators of Fair Practice Culture in Denmark.
The arrangement is supported by The Augustinus Foundation, Bikuben Foundation, Koda Kultur / Danish Composers Society, the Council of Danish Artists
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Linnésgade 25, 1361 København K, Danmark, Linnésgade 25, 1361 København K, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark