Surovi glasbeni tok bluesa, rocka in funka brez nostalgije, le resnica akordov in moč trenutka. Prulček v svojem najboljšem.Začetek leta 2025 v Prulčku bo dobil svoj bluesovski vrhunec. Tokrat bo Julijan Erič, gonilna sila programa Excite!, sedel za bobni in večeru dodal svojo značilno energijo brez kompromisov.
Blues, rock in funk se bodo prepletali v surovem glasbenem toku, kjer vsak akord govori resnico in vsaka nota črpa iz strasti trenutka. Brez olepšav, brez nostalgije – samo pristna glasba, ki bije v zdajšnjem času.
Če iščete način, da zaključite leto z zvočno katarzo, je Blues Power pravi izbor. Pridružite se nam za večer, ki ga boste čutili še dolgo po zadnji noti.
Aleš Uhan – klaviature
Miha Ribarič – bas
Gašper Buh – kitara, vokal
Julijan Erič – bobni, vokal
The beginning of 2025 brings a bluesy finale like no other. This time, Julijan Erič, the driving force behind the Excite! program, takes the drums, infusing the evening with his signature uncompromising energy.
Blues, rock, and funk will collide in a raw musical stream, where every chord tells a story and every note draws from the passion of the moment. No frills, no nostalgia – just authentic music, pulsing in real-time.
If you're looking for a way to end the year with a sonic catharsis, Blues Power is the answer. Join us for a night that will resonate far beyond the final note.
-Aleš Uhan – keyboards
-Miha Ribarič – bass
-Gašper Buh – guitar, vocals
-Julijan Erič – drums, vocals
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
2 Prijateljeva ulica,Ljubljana,1000,SI, Slovenia