In 2025 we will start off with an awesome event in Capoeira Angola where we’ll be celebrating Afro descendants through the practice of capoeira Angola and its cultural influences and movement such as samba de roda. This year, there will be three days of Capoeira Angola workshop led by our Capoeira Angola guests teachers:
Mestra Brisa (MQFSM) UK
Contra Mestre Chicago ( Lowcountry capoeiraangola USA) and
Professora: Miau (Mestre Angolinha GCANG Finland).
During three days , there will be Capoeira Angola training in the workshops of music lessons, training, pair games, discussion on the history and rituals of the Roda, experience exchanging, RODAS and parties!
Trains station from London to Brighton:
London Victoria London Bridge London Blackfriars London St Pancras international. Closest airport to Brighton: London Gatwick Airport
Dates: April the 4th to 6th of 2025
Venue: Middle Street Primary School, Brighton BN1 1AL in the town centre.
Friday the 4th Time 6pm to 9pm
Saturday the 5th Time 11am to 5:30pm /
At 7pm to Midnight Party: At Martha Gunn Pub Upper Lewes Road Brighton, BN2 3FE
Sunday the 6th Time 12pm to 5:30pm.
We are very limited in space if you want to stay with us you must contact us now or alternatively visit Airbnb and Brighton hostels where there will have great deals for your stay.
Prices for the Event:
Single / per day event in April
Friday 4th £20 - Saturday 5th £40 - Sunday 6th £25
Sat / Sun £55
Three Days £70
Ednardo De Sousa
Account 19693314
Sc 040003
IBAN GB89 MONZ 0400 0319 6933 14
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Middle Street Primary School, 25 Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL, United Kingdom