Embodied Fusion Partner Dance FundamentalsWhat makes fusion, “fusion”? Let’s break down the core building blocks of this ever evolving dance practice. This workshop takes a glimpse of the historical roots of these foundational elements and applies an embodied approach to practicing them.
This is a workshop for folks who are newer to fusion, as well as for dancers looking to refine their fundamentals and diversify their movement expression. For everyone, this is also an opportunity to choose how we show up as individuals in connection and in co-creating our dance community.
We’ll ask…
What prepares our bodies to sense and feel – our own structure and movement, and the weight and movement of another body?
How do we know where we are in space, and weave gracefully around each other’s pathways of movement to tactfully sync up together?
How are we able to listen and respond to subtlety, feel effortless alignment, and flow efficiently in our movement together?
What is fusion culture, how did we get here, and where is it going?
Here we practice healthy habits in applying the fundamentals of partnered movement that bring form and common language to a dance that seemingly has none. We’ll unveil the rich palette of movement possibilities to aid our interpretation of the music and bring more distinction to our expression.
Focusing on the felt sense, we’ll:
~ Prepare our bodies to sense to move together from the bottom up
~ Understand body mechanics and establish healthy dance habits
~ Cultivate greater body awareness and structural integrity
~ Make our movements clearer and more intentional
~ Smooth out our movement for juicy, elastic connection
~ Allow our bodies to become vehicles for each dancer’s unique expression with ease
Regardless of where you’re starting from, expect to have time and space to warm up and tend to your body, ask questions, and take time to practice and refine the material we’re learning.
This workshop is followed by DRIP dance in the evening so you can put your new learnings to practice right away.
I believe social dance is not only a beautiful way to connect and play, it is also a liberatory practice. My teaching style is equal parts technique and repetition, embodiment, and relational play, all grounded in creating a fun and supportive learning environment. How we move interpersonally has the power to change the fabric of the world. I look forward to playing and growing with you!
11am-1pm – Module 1
1:45-3:20pm – Module 2
10 min BREAK
3:30-5pm – Module 3
DINNER BREAK – possible group dinner outing & continued fusion community discussion
8:15-11:30pm – DRIP at Shabu Studios w/ 15min warm-up
*bring your own lunch, some snacks will be provided
Workshop only – $45-$75
Workshop + DRIP ($15-$33) – $55-$95
20 people maximum
Venmo @ nectar-fusion to RSVP
Please indicate “workshop only” or “workshop + DRIP” with your payment
Antje Schaefer (they/them) is a movement facilitator, community space curator, artist and somatic guide who creates experiences for people to activate their senses and unfurl in embodied, relational play. They have been teaching partnered dance/movement and shaping liberatory spaces that contribute to cultures of resilience and connection for over a decade. They started their fusion dance teaching journey as the co-founder of Cocréa, a mindful fusion partner dance modality centered in connection. Since then, they have continued to iterate their offerings toward greater depth, relationality and embodied awareness. Alongside teaching and hosting local fusion partner dances Nectar Fusion and QueerBeat, they facilitate mind-body agility practice for embodied resilience and relational intimacy.
If you're interested in exploring the deeper layers of relating that are present in our dance connection, check out Relational Body ~
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
North Coast Seed Bldg Artist Studios, 2127 N Albina Ave, Portland, OR 97227-1748, United States,Portland, Oregon