Elektroonilise muusika fänne ootab 4. novembril 2024 ees lummav õhtu, kui inglise muusik, laulja, laulukirjutaja ja produtsent Elderbrook astub juba teist korda üles oma innovatiivse kavaga Tallinnas, Noblessneri Valukojas. Tema esimene soolokontsert Tallinnas, aastal 2022, müüdi kiirelt välja, nii et fännidel tasub kiirustada! Elderbrook on tuntud kui mitmekülgne muusik ja tunnustatud multiinstrumentalist, seega võite olla kindlad, et elamus tuleb vägev! Erikülaline Muudu.Eldebrooki ehk Alexander Kotzi karjäär algas 2015. aastal, kui tema esimese EP pealt leidis Saksa duo Andhim üles silmapaistva loo “How Many Times” ning lisas sellele oma remixi. Viimane tõusis aga kiirelt aasta parimate tantsulugude hulka. Pärast seda on Elderbrook teinud koostööd paljude artistidega, sealhulgas Gorgon Cityga, ning remixinud lugusid tuntud artistidelt nagu Clean Bandit.
Elderbrooki kõige edukaim koostöö on olnud senini aga CamelPhatiga - nende lugu “Cola” tõusis Ameerika Ühendriikide Dance Club Songs ja Ühendkuningriigi Indie Chart tippu. See lugu pälvis ka 2018. aasta Grammy auhinnagalal parima tantsuloo nominatsiooni.
Elderbrook on elav fenomen, multiinstrumentalist, produtsent, laulja ja laulukirjutaja, kellel on loomupärane oskus luua emotsionaalset muusikat, mis uurib identiteedi, vaimse heaolu ja viimasel ajal ka vanemluse tundlikke ja introspektiivseid teemasid. Ta on saanud klassikalise klaveri- ja kitarrikoolituse ning tema produktsioonitehnika peegeldab ambitsiooni teha midagi täiesti unikaalset. Elderbrook lisab sageli oma lugudesse ebatraditsioonilisi helisid, nagu prillide purunemine või jää praksumine kuumas kohvis. See lisab ta muusikale erilise sarmi.
Elderbrook esineb Tallinnas, Noblessneri Valukojas 4. novembril 2024. Piletite eelmüük Live Nationi kontserdiklubi liikmetele algab kolmapäeval, 14. augustil kell 12. Üldine piletimüük algab Piletilevi müügipunktides ja kodulehel reedel, 16. augustil kell 12.
Get ready to experience an unforgettable night as Elderbrook, the English electronic musician, singer, songwriter and record producer brings his groundbreaking sound to Tallinn for the second time on November 4, 2024, at Noblessneri Valukoda. His first headline concert in Tallinn, at 2022, was quickly sold out, so don't miss out on the tickets! Elderbrook is known for his versatility as a musician and is recognized as a multi-instrumentalist, so you can be assured that the experience will be mesmerizing! Special guest Muudu.
Known offstage as Alexander Kotz, Elderbrook's career began in 2015 with the release of his first EP, featuring the standout track "How Many Times", which was remixed by the German duo Andhim and ranked as one of Mixmag's best songs of the year. Since then, Elderbrook has collaborated with numerous artists, including Gorgon City, and remixed tracks by well-known acts such as Clean Bandit.
Elderbrook's most notable success came with his collaboration with CamelPhat on the track "Cola," which topped the Dance Club Songs chart in the United States and the Indie Chart in the United Kingdom. This track also earned a nomination for Best Dance Song at the 2018 Grammy Awards.
A live phenomenon, multi-instrumentalist, producer, singer-songwriter, Elderbrook has an innate flair for creating emotive music that explores the sensitive and introspective themes of identity, mental wellbeing and, more recently, parenthood. Classically trained in both piano and guitar, his production techniques reflect his ambition to create something entirely unique. Known for sampling unconventional sounds like breaking reading glasses and crackling ice in warm coffee, Elderbrook has stated in interviews that he often uses everyday objects as instruments, adding a distinctive edge to his music.
Don’t miss the chance to witness Elderbrook’s innovative performance live in Tallinn on November 4, 2024, at Noblessneri Valukoda. Presale tickets for Live Nation concert club members will be available starting Wednesday, August 14th at 12PM, with general ticket sales commencing on Piletilevi sales points and webpage on Friday, August 16th at 12PM.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Noblessneri Valukoda, Allveelaeva 6, Põhja-Tallinn, Tallinn, 10414 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia