Rated ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ by Bowls England, The Eastbourne Open Tournament consists of six competitions: Ladies Singles, Men’s Singles, Men’s Pairs, Men’s Triples, Mixed Pairs and Mixed Triples.
In recent years this tournament has been oversubscribed so early application is advised.
2024’s tournament had total prize fund in excess of £2,300.
It commences on the second Sunday of July each year, with Finals held on the greens of its Headquarters (Eastbourne BC for 2024) on Friday of that week.
A social evening is held each year on the Thursday of Tournament week which has free entry for players, supporters and friends, incorporating live music and the Grand Raffle Draw. Ample free parking is available.
You are guaranteed a warm welcome at all of Eastbourne’s host clubs and you will undoubtedly enjoy the experience of bowling at ‘The Suntrap of the South’.
For more information and to enter 2025’s tournament (when available) click here:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Eastbourne Open Bowls Tournaments, Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom