EA Ecosystem: What is Effective Altruism?

Tue Apr 30 2024 at 05:30 pm to 06:45 pm

Victoria University Kelburn Campus | Wellington

Effective Altruism Wellington
Publisher/HostEffective Altruism Wellington
EA Ecosystem: What is Effective Altruism?
When we talk about Effective Altruism, what exactly are we talking about? Come to our free talk to find out!
There are multiple ways you might answer this question, but one of them is to discuss that now there are a huge number of organisations affiliated with EA, and look at what they have achieved!
After giving a brief introduction to what EA is and its history, this talk discusses a wide range of organisations that make up the ‘EA ecosystem’. Important examples we will cover include GiveWell, 80,000 Hours, Open Philanthropy, the Centre for Effective Altruism, Giving What We Can and the Global Priorities Institute.
This session will be held in room KK204 at Kelburn Campus. The room is on floor 2 of Kirk Building. Please be aware the doors to the university stop automatically opening past 6 pm, and to leave the university level 3 is easiest without a pass after this time. While we run events at the university our group is comprised of both students and professionals. Anyone is welcome to join.
Effective altruism is a movement focused on finding the most effective ways to have a positive impact. EA Wellington is a group of about 30 people who meet up weekly to talk about different topics in effective altruism and ways we can get involved.
Here is a map of Kelburn Campus that might be useful for finding the room: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/about/campuses-facilities/campuses/kelburn/kelburn-campus-map.pdf
Here is a list of our upcoming events: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gcqOu4Bd0neWynwPK9ZMc3h73fPzFIWBu4UQPmqxx7E
Here is a list of links to useful stuff related to EA or EA Wellington: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GEB10IERM9glDsUjsUHDKS2_GokJz0pMPqqUOr1mulc

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Victoria University Kelburn Campus, School of History, Kelburn, Wellington 6012, New Zealand,Wellington, New Zealand

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