McGee’s story begins as a middle aged alcoholic who is homeless in Los Angeles. His friends stage a disorganized but effective intervention and he enters into a state funded detox and rehab. For a few months he stumbles through early sobriety by interacting with like minded junkies and drunks, mostly from the CA state prison system. Upon release, McGee’s mother in eastern MA has a medical emergency. As a result she needs first hand attention. Our hero struggles to stay sober in his first year while dealing with his mother’s illness, all the while flashing back and forth from a past that paints a picture of how an addict and alcoholic becomes one. Surprisingly, our story is fun, fearless and feckless. It features no drug addled bogeymen or phony saints of sobriety- just a mother and son getting to know each other again through error and error. And David Bowie. And Prince. And Tim Curry.Note from the Playwright: I started to spend every day sober ten years ago. With each succeeding period of time my circumstances would shift in ways I could only describe as tectonic. I got a home, I reconnected with my family, I went to school and I went to more school. I lost family, then lost more family. During Covid there was a wave of suicides and O.D.’s in the recovery community that I am afraid will never be seriously quantified or talked about in the normie world. The one thing that has remained true and straight has been a need to tell stories and a developing voice.
February 7th and 8th at 7:30pm
February 8th at 2:00pm - ✨❤this is a benefit performance for STEP2, this will be a dry/sober event❤✨
Both performances on the 8th will be livestreamed!
Tickets available at
This program/project was supported, in part, by the Nevada Arts Council, a state agency, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, and the state of Nevada.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
124 W. Taylor St., Reno, NV, United States, Nevada 89509