DOTIK GLASU: Irena T. Zagoričnik / "Nagib k študiju"

Fri Feb 21 2025 at 05:00 pm to 08:00 pm UTC+01:00

Vetrinjski dvor | Maribor

Nagib Maribor
Publisher/HostNagib Maribor
DOTIK GLASU: Irena T. Zagori\u010dnik \/ "Nagib k \u0161tudiju"

V letu 2025 Nagib beleži 20.! obletnico in kot del izobraževalne platforme "Nagib k študiju" bomo nadaljevali s celoletnimi ustvarjalno-edukativnimi specializacijami, ki jih bo vodila vokalistka, performerka, koreografijna in improvizatorka Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik.
V delavnici petja se bo vsak udeleženec skozi fizične vaje srečal s svojimi glasovi, z različnimi zmožnostmi njegove uporabe ter skozi raziskavo (iz)našel svoj lastni glas. Preko improvizacije bomo odkrivali različne kvalitete in karakterje glasu. Skozi igro in domišljijo ter preko petja starih pesmi in ustvarjanja svojih lastnih, bomo spoznavali tako sebe kot tudi, kako skozi svoj glas in petje, najti stik z drugimi.
Prisluhniti sebi in drugim razpre način, kako zmožnosti svojega kreativnega potenciala tudi realizirati.
Za delavnico potrebujemo samo udobna oblačila, da se lahko svobodno gibamo ter papir in svinčnik, da lahko zapišem pesmi, stavke, misli, ki se nam bodo utrnile skozi delo.

KDAJ**: Petek, 24.1.2025, med 17:00 in 20:00
KJE: Vetrinjski dvor
** Zabeležite si še ostale termine do meseca maja 2025:
Petek, 21.2.2025, med 17h in 20h ter
sobota, 22.2.2025, med 11h in 14h
Petek, 21.3.2025, med 17h in 20h ter
sobota, 22.3.2025, med 11h in 14h
Petek, 11.4.2025 med 17h in 20h ter
sobota, 12.4.2025 med 11h in 14h
Petek, 16.5.2025 med 17h in 20h ter
sobota, 17.5.2025 med 11h in 14h

Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik (1979, Ljubljana) je plesalka, koreografinja, performerka, vokalistka, pevka in improvizatorka, dejavna na domači in mednarodni sceni. Z gledališčem se je srečala na Bežigrajski gimnaziji v skupini IHT, pod mentorstvom Tomaža Štrucla. Plesno se je izpopolnjevala pri Studiu Intakt in v Plesnem teatru Ljubljana ter v izobraževalnih programih Plesni laboratorij in Agon, bila je štipendistka DanceWEB programa za sodobni ples na Dunaju, leta 2007 pa je bila izbrana v program izobraževanja Atelier Grotowski Inštituta. Plesni prvenec Hitchockove metamorfoze je ustvarila s skladateljem Mitjem Reichenbergom leta 2001. Z drugim solom Kaprica se je začelo tudi njeno raziskovanje razsežnosti glasu. Na Gibanici – slovenskem bienalu sodobne plesne umetnosti je leta 2009 prejela nagrado za predstavo Kot kaplja dežja v usta molka, leta 2015 pa nagrado za najboljšo predstavo po izboru strokovne komisije in nagrado za najboljšo predstavo po izboru občinstva za Okus tišine vedno odmeva. Samostojno in v sodelovanju je do danes ustvarila več kot deset plesnih in vokalno-gibalnih odrskih predstav. Sodelovala je tudi z vizualnim umetnikom in kuratorjem Mathieuom Copelandom pri projektu “Une exposition à être lue” v Ženevi (HEAD) in pri projektu “Chorégraphier l’exposition” (Ferme du Buisson, Paris), kjer je prispevala svojo kompozicijo Prazna mesta glasu (Voice’s Empty Spaces). Kot vokalistka in pevka od leta 2006 dalje ustvarja v solo projektu za glas in diktafone imenovan iT, ki mu je sledil prvi solistični album iT: Crying games (2011). Leta 2014 je izdala Okus tišine / Taste of Silence, leta 2019 pa Cmok v grlu. Sodelovala je z Aldom Ivančičem, s katerim je ustvarjala pri Bast Kolektivu in na zgoščenki Retinal Circus in s številnimi glasbeniki in zasedbami: Tomaž Grom, Lee Patterson, Xavier Charles, Christof Kurzmann, Jonas Kocher, Gaudenz Badrutt, Šalter Ensemble, Tim Blechmann, Michael Zerang, Liz Allbee, Alessandra Eramo, Ilia Belorukov, Okkyung Lee, Maja Osojnik, Christian Kesten, Ina Puntar, Dré Hočevar, Matej Bonin idr. Redno vodi delavnice za glas v Ljubljani in v tujini.
Foto Irene: Nada Žgank

Prijave na: [email protected]
Cena srečanja je 30 eur, za člane različnih plesnih šol, samozaposlene v kulturi, študente in dijake imamo posebno ceno 25 eur.

** NAGIB k ŠTUDIJU** " je zamišljen kot neformalni “študij” oziroma specializacija, kjer kontinuirano gostimo strokovnjakinje_ke / pedagoginje_e / umetnice_ke s področja sodobno-performativnih ter različnih telesno-gibalnih praks. Vzpostavljen program ponuja možnost dodatnega in poglobljenega ustvarjanja ter preizkušanja različnih metodologij dela tako za profesionalne ustvarjalce kot posameznike z raznolikim predznanjem in izkušnjami.
Produkcija: Društvo Nagib (zanj Petra Hazabent)
Partnerji: Vetrinjski dvor / Narodni dom Maribor
Podpora: Mestna občina Maribor

ENG description:
The year 2025 is the year when Nagib is celebration it's 20th anniversary and as part of the educational platform "NAGIB STUDIES"**, we are launching a year-long specialisation programme led by vocalist, performer, choreographer and improviser Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik.

WHEN: Friday, 24.1.2025 from 17.00 to 20.00
WHERE: Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor - 1st floor (Vetrinjska ulica 30)

In the singing workshop, each participant will encounter their own voices through physical exercises, the different ways of using it and (re)find their own voice through exploration. Through improvisation we will discover the different qualities and characters of the voice.
Through play and imagination, through singing old songs and creating our own, we will discover ourselves and how to connect with others through our voice and singing.
Listening to ourselves and to others opens up a way to realise the possibilities of our creative potential.
All we need for the workshop are comfortable clothes so we can move freely and paper and pencil so we can write down the songs, sentences and thoughts that will emerge through the work.

Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik (1979, Ljubljana) completed her BA in philosophy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. She developed a strong interest in theatre and performance while attending Bežigrad Grammar School in Ljubljana, where she was part of the school’s theatre group IHT, led by theatre director Tomaž Štrucl. She later began taking dance classes, first at Intakt Dance Studio and later at Dance Theatre Ljubljana and contemporary dance training programmes Dance Laboratory and Agon. She received ImpulsTanz Festival’s DanceWeb scholarship (Vienna, Austria) and was in 2007 accepted to the Atelier educational programme organised by the Grotowski Institute (Wroclaw, Poland). Irena made her debut as a choreographer in 2001 with the performance Hitchock’s Metamorphoses, which was a collaboration with composer Mitja Reichenberg. With her second solo piece Caprice (2005), followed by Caprice (Re)lapse (2006) came a shift in the focus of her creative explorations as she began to work more intensely on voice. Her vocal performances As a Rain Drop into the Mouth of Silence and The Taste of Silence Always Resonates were awarded at the 2009 and 2015 Gibanica (Moving Cake) Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art, respectively. The performance Moved by Voice (2017) continues her exploration of the relation between the body, voice, and space. Among others she has collaborated with Mathieu Copeland in the projects Une exposition à être lue in Geneve (HEAD) and Chorégraphier l’exposition (Ferme du Buisson, Paris), which included her composition Voice’s Empty Spaces. She has been creating – and touring extensively in Slovenia and abroad – a series of solo projects for voice and dictaphones titled iT. In 2011 she created her solo album Crying Games in close collaboration with Aldo Ivančič, with whom she had previously worked in the collective Bast on the album Retinal Circus. In 2014 Kamizdat released her album Taste of Silence in the frame of the international project Co-voicings (2013-14). Irena has been regularly giving voice workshops in Ljubljana and abroad. She is currently teaching improvisation at the Dance Academy Alma Mater Europaea. Links (music): Bandcamp / Soundcloud / Kamizdat / Centralala
Photo of Irene: Nada Žgank

Information and registration at: [email protected]
The price for a workshop is 30 euro and we have a special price of 25 euros for members of various dance schools, the self-employed in culture, students and high school students.

** "NAGIB STUDIES" is structured as an informal educational platform, where we host experts / pedagogues / artists in the field of contemporary performing arts and various physical-movement practices. The platform offers the possibility for specialization, in-depth creation and testing of various practices both for professional creators as well as for individuals with diverse knowledge and experience**
Production: Nagib Association (represented by Petra Hazabent)
Co-production: Vetrinjski dvor / Narodni dom Maribor
Support: Municipality of Maribor

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Vetrinjski dvor, Galerija Mojstrov Hochstätter, Trg Borisa Kraigherja, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija,Maribor, Slovenia

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