Dorr & Thistle Shifter

Thu Mar 13 2025 at 08:00 pm to 11:00 pm UTC+01:00

StudioGonz | Gouda

Dorr & Thistle Shifter
De muziek van Dorr is een mix van gitaren / synths / elektronische beats / klassieke violen, samengesmolten om dromerige, filmische popmuziek te creëren met een glinsterende duisternis en delicate intensiteit – die de diepe en intieme stem omlijst. Thistle Shifter is een ambient instrumental post-rock project door de Engelse artiest Pete Barnes.
*** Dorr ***
[Cinematic dream pop, deep and delicate]
Minimalistische analoge elektronica, warme golven van ruis glinsterende drones en koude industriële klanken worden verweven met trillende ingewikkelde microbeats, dichte lagen van gedurfde expressieve experimentele gitaar, uitgevoerd met een verscheidenheid aan effecten en werktuigen (elektrische scheerapparaten, vibrators, houten strijkstokken).
John Dorr is a British born, French based composer and
performer. After graduating in 2012 with a BMus in classical music he created the instrumental neo classical band Stems, releasing 4 albums and a BFI funded live soundtrack for the George Melies silent film "A trip to the moon", touring Europe several times and performing over 400 concerts.
More recently he composed the soundtrack for "Between the lights" - made with support from Creative England and selected for Film London's / the BFI's London Screenings expo in June 2023.
Combining electronic and industrial percussion with layers of shimmering guitar and toy instruments. The music is often dark, yet also tender with a delicate essence framing the deep and intimate voice.
Musically it is a mix of guitars/ synths/ electronic beats/ classical violins, fused together to create dreamlike, cinematic pop music with a glittering darkness and delicate intensity – framing the deep and intimate voice.
"(Dorr) transforms hisguitar into a wall ofsound through
loopsand effects pedals" (3voor12, Netherlands).
Meer info:
*** Thistle Shifter ***
[ambient instrumental post-rock]
Thistle Sifter is an ambient instrumental post-rock project by English musician Pete Barnes (Utrecht, NL). Second album Circles is the follow-up to 2022’s debut A Spectral Moon, based on a serious cycling accident that literally catapulted Barnes into disarray in November 2020. Circles is inspired by personal struggles with health, acceptance and letting go of the past. The result is a powerful ambient instrumental record inspired by Brexit, Covid and the difficult, ongoing path to Barnes’ recovery.
'Arguably one of the most engaging and under-appreciated creative forces around today' - Broken8Records (AUS)
'Dreamy, floaty compositions that are a counterweight to darkness' - Luminous Dash (BE)
'Serene post-rock guitar work and spacey synth ambience' - Obscure Sound (US)
'A sonic immersion that transcends the expectations of conventional post-rock' - Radio Armazem (BR)
'A journey through emotional highs and lows, captured in artfully woven sound carpets that captivate the listener' - AMPLIFIED (DE)
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays

StudioGonz, Turfsingel 36, 2802 BC Gouda, Nederland,Gouda, South Holland, Netherlands


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