This one-off special event provides the opportunity to bring your very own instrument to life through our guided workshop. Inclusive of all materials, we supply everything you need to create and take home your very own Djembe!With wooden shells, goat skins, rope and gloves provided; our experts will guide and assist you through the process of skinning and tuning your own drum, plus a bonus lesson in drumming some easy beats! This five-hour workshop also includes lunch and refreshments provided, catering to gluten-free & vegan diets.
Taking place in the inspiring upstairs inner-city sanctuary of
Rat Planet Studios, you are in expert hands with our guides
Larney and Luna, who ensure you will be surrounded by encouragement, assistance, great music and good vibes during this meditative and rewarding experience.
Don't miss this special opportunity to gain an incredibly personal connection with your new instrument - our drummers always say the best sounding drum is the one skinned with your own hands.
Tickets available online: link through @ratplanetstudios Facebook and Instagram, or on our website
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Rat Planet Studios, 165 Gregory Terrace,Brisbane,QLD,Australia