About this Event
A two-day indoor festival celebrating the art of tattooing. Get tattooed by our featured artist Don Peddicord (Ink Masters Season 5) as well as a bunch of local and regional shops. There will be a jam packed day of Live entertainment ranging from sideshows to burlesque. Enjoy craft beer and cocktails as well as handheld food items from The Vanguard.
Standard Weekend Pass - $25
- Enter the festival at 11:00
- The $25 covers both days of the festival
VIP Meet & Greet with - $100
- Hang out with Don Peddicord and a handful of other regional artists
- Beat the crowd and get early entrance to the festival
- Free coffee & the best Doughnuts in town from our neighbor, Glazed Doughnuts!
- VIP parking in the Vanguard Lot
- Early dibs on getting tattooed
- Also comes with one Standard Weekend Pass
- Limited Availability
Food & Drink
- Restaurant on site! Handheld items only to accommodate the large crowd.
- Extensive menu of craft beer and cocktails
- Exclusive Beer, American Classic Lager, will be available on tap and in cans
- The Vanguard Lot is reserved for VIP ticket holders
- Public parking right in the neighborhood. Google Maps Links to parking below
- 21 Randolph St. - https://tinyurl.com/5ymavnda
- HRT Parking Lot - https://tinyurl.com/53ddr5vc
- Municipal Center Lot - https://tinyurl.com/bry8n79d
Tattoo artist's social media
- Don Peddicord (Ink Masters Season 5) - @donpeddicordart
- J.D. Crow (Special Guest) - @jdcrowetattoos
- Colley Ave - @colleyavetattoo
- Valhalla Rose - @valhallarosetattoo
- Tattoo Dynasty - @tattoodynasty
- Ancient Art - @ancientarttattoo
- Lucky 13 - @lucky_13rva
- Black Rose & Dagger - @blackroseanddagger
- Liquid Metal - @liquidmetaltattoo
- Family Tradition - @familytraditiontattoo
- Flying Tiger - @flying_tiger_social_club
- Caiseal Beer & Spirits - @caiseal757
- Tacticool Firearms - @tacticoolfirearms
- Reverie Haus - @reveriehaus
- Tooth Gems by Mandy - @mandikimmm
- Village Blacksmith - @handforgedsteel
- Planet Dorshak - @planetdorshak
- The Violent Stitch - @yknup
- Outer Edge - @outeredge.gifts
- Dainty & Dazzled - @daintyanddazzled
- Whispering Wickery - @dani.whisperingwickery
- Castro's V Barbershop - @castros5th
- Madre Luna - @madre_luna1
- Cobwebs & Curios - @cobwebs_and_curios
- Master of Ceremonies Brock Briggs - @brockhardtimes
- Deanna Marie & Steven Sideshow - @deannamarieonfire
- Scarlet Starlet performs burlesque - @scarletstarletrva
- Team TDH Suspensions - @teamtdhsuspensions
- DJ Joe Inc - @thedjjoeinc
Live Music Headliners
- 7/19/25 - The Queers - @thequersofficial
- 7/20/25 - Anthony Rosano & the Conqueroos - @anthony_rosano_official
Thank you to all our sponsors and partners for the support.
- American Classic Tattoo - https://americanclassictattoo.us/
- Spacemakers General Contractor - https://spacemakersinc.com/
- Caiseal Beer & Spirits Co - https://www.caiseal.com/
- Tacticool Firearms - https://tacticoolfirearms.com/
- Hampton Roads Harley Davidson - https://www.hamptonroadshd.com/
- Reverie Haus Salon - https://www.vagaro.com/us03/reveriehaus
- Prestige Press Inc - http://prestigepress.com/
- VEER Magazine - https://veermag.com/
- Americana BrewWear - https://americanabrewwear.com/
- Visit Hampton - https://visithampton.com/
- Glazed Doughnuts - https://www.glazedhampton.com/
- Marker 20 - https://marker20.com/

🕑: 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
VIP Early Access.
Host: The Vanguard
Info: Enjoy VIP parking in the venue parking lot! Beat the crowds and hang out with Don Peddicord from Ink Masters Season 5 along with a handful of local artists while enjoying free coffee and Doughnuts courtesy of our neighbor and sponsor Glazed Doughnuts!
🕑: 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Open to standard weekend pass holders
Host: The Vanguard
Info: WE'RE OPEN! Come on in and enjoy the festival. Get tattooed, enjoy the live entertainment! Master of Ceremonies Brock Briggs
Deanna Marie & Steven Sideshow
Scarlet Starlet performs burlesque
Team TDH Suspensions
DJ Joe Inc
🕑: 06:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Live bands kick off!
Host: The Vanguard
Info: July 19 - Punk Rock Vibes with Gonzo Bomb, Slim Cartel, The Nerve Scheme, The Queers
July 20 - Americana Rock vibes with The Jacob Vanko Band, OCX-The Optimistic Cynics and Anthony Rosano & the Conqueroos
Event Venue
The Vanguard Brewpub & Distillery, 504 North King Street, Hampton, United States
USD 31.37 to USD 119.41