A workshop to demystify the pelvic floor. Because of its location and contribution to bodily functions that our culture can consider “unmentionable”, the pelvic floor remains a body part that is a mystery to many. As a woman your pelvic floor is a vital part of your body to understand and engage with. It is key to your 'core' and so many vital body functions. And its really important to know how your core and pelvic floor work together. Never more so than once you've had a baby or during pregnancy. This workshop will explain and explore your pelvic floor muscles and your pelvis. How they work when we move and breathe using techniques from yoga, breath work and body biomechanics (don't worry - nothing too technical!).
We will locate, assess, soften, stretch, strengthen and exercise the muscle groups of the pelvic floor. If you're only doing 'kegels', then please come to this workshop - science has really moved on, so many women are misinformed!
We'll explore:
~ How you can understand your own pelvic floor better
~ Anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic floor
~ Learn techniques for developing awareness of your own pelvic floors
~ How your daily posture, and everyday movement patterns effects the pelvic floor and may be compromising your core, and how to make practical changes.
~ How both strength and relaxation of the pelvic floor and core are equally important to women.
~ How to know if you have a pelvic floor that's strong or tense or weak, and why all could cause problems
~ The role of breath and emotion on the pelvic floor. How your breath can help (or hinder) your core’s ability to function optimally
We will take this knowledge and awareness into some yoga practices. With a variety of breath techniques for pelvic floor health, experiential movements, further body movement practices, and the right pelvic floor exercises. Proper strengthening and stabilizing of the pelvic floor helps to create the correct foundation of each movement in the body, in both daily life and in exercise too.
Pelvic floor issues can come from singular events such as injury, trauma or childbirth, or from habitual postural or emotional patterns, and can lead to various symptoms, pain or loss of function.
This workshop is for you if you experience any of these conditions:
~ pelvic pain
~ lower back, hip or groin problems
~ continence or constipation issues
~ leaking when laughing, sneezing, running
~ frequent urination
Or if you are just curious about this region of your body, or if you sense you might benefit from more sensitivity and connection your pelvic floor.
You will also receive a handout emailed after the workshop too, to refer back to and continue the practices at home.
Location: Livestreamed to your own home (no travel needed)
Price £18 (including handout)
Any questions please email [email protected]
Event Venue
Yoga For Modern Life, York