(Eng below)Esiintyjät Anna Riley-Shepard ja Maciej Beczek sekä äänitaiteilija Lana Harris työskentelevät Pirkanmaan Tanssin Keskuksessa kahden viikon ajan maaliskuussa. Residenssiperiodin aikana he aloittavat uuden teoksen aiheen tutkimisen. Teos on trio kahdelle ihmiskeholle ja vesistölle. Tampereella he työskentelevät erityisesti Näsijärven kanssa.
Lauantaina 22.3. he pitävät demoesityksen teoksestaan What Doesn't End In Water Ends In Light. Esitystä seuraa fasilitoitu keskustelu teoksen teemoista ja ryhmän työskentelytavoista (sekä jälkiruokaa!).
Lauantaina 22.3. klo 18.00
What Doesn’t End In Water Ends In Light
Riley-Shepard and Beczek both take the lake as their dance partner and also become part of a more-than-human hybrid body that incorporates its physics and movement dynamics, its sensor data of water quality and ecosystem health, its sounds and states of matter, its deep time stories, lived histories, and conjured futures. They thus probe imagined binaries of alive/not-alive, self/other, individual/multitude, intimate/vast, here-and-now/there-and-then.
Work-In-Progress Showing + Q&A | What Doesn’t End In Water Ends In Light
During their two weeks at Pirkanmaan Tanssin Keskus, performers Anna Riley-Shepard & Maciej Beczek and sound artist Lana Harris will be starting research for a new piece: a trio for two human bodies and a body of water. In Tampere, they work specifically with the Näsijärvi.
On Saturday, March 22nd, they will share a work-in-progress showing of What Doesn’t End In Water Ends In Light, followed by a facilitated talk about their themes and working method (and dessert!).
Saturday March 22nd 18:00
What Doesn’t End In Water Ends In Light
Riley-Shepard and Beczek both take the lake as their dance partner and also become part of a more-than-human hybrid body that incorporates its physics and movement dynamics, its sensor data of water quality and ecosystem health, its sounds and states of matter, its deep time stories, lived histories, and conjured futures. They thus probe imagined binaries of alive/not-alive, self/other, individual/multitude, intimate/vast, here-and-now/there-and-then.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Liikelaituri, Yliopistonkatu 58, FI-33100 Tampere, Suomi,Tampere, Finland