DE/VISION plus special guest Lakeside X

Fri, 02 May, 2025 at 07:00 pm UTC+02:00

Majestic Music Club | Bratislava

Pe3vax Promotion
Publisher/HostPe3vax Promotion
DE\/VISION plus special guest Lakeside X
DE/VISION plus special guest Lakeside X
Bratislava, Majestic Music Club
Guest: Lakeside X
DJs: Diablo & Krto (ELECTRICITY room DJs) special electrify yourmind set
Prvý májový piatok zažije Bratislava koncertnú premiéru DE/VISION. Vystúpenie bude súčasťou jarného miniturné, na ktorom sa kapela predstaví v kompletnej zostave a okrem Bratislavy ju uvidia aj diváci v Prahe či poľskej Wroclawi. Ako špeciálny hosť na tomto turné vystúpi LAKESIDE X.
37 rokov - žiadne auto nevydrží tak dlho, máloktorý vzťah a manželstvo vydrží tak dlho, žiadny alkohol nevydrží tak dlho. O to pozoruhodnejšia je existencia tejto kapely, ktorá sa zrodila v roku 1988 v Bensheime v južnom Hesensku. Boli svedkami nástupu rôznych nových technológií a programovacích jazykov, ako sú Turbo Pascal, Java, DAT, ISDN, DVD, internet a e-mail. Akoby lámali rekordy, neúnavne cestovali po všetkých kontinentoch sveta, od Jekaterinburgu po Hannover, Tel Aviv, Toronto a Buenos Aires. Nehovoríme o nikom inom ako o vlajkovej lodi nemeckej synth-popovej scény, DE/VISION, ktorá teraz sídli v Berlíne.
De/Vision je nemecká synthpopová skupina založená v roku 1988. Skupina začínala ako kvarteto v zložení Thomas Adam, Steffen Keth, Stefan Blender a Markus Ganssert. Sú známi svojou hudbou založenou na elektronike a stali sa jednou z najvytrvalejších skupín nemeckej synthpopovej scény. V priebehu rokov vydali De/Vision stabilný prísun albumov a singlov a udržali si vernú základňu fanúšikov v rámci komunity elektronickej hudby. Ich zvuk charakterizuje zmes elektronických beatov, melodických syntetizátorov a introspektívnych textov, ktoré často rozoberajú témy lásky, straty a ľudských emócií.
Lakeside X budú špeciálnym hosťom nielen na bratislavskom koncerte. Česko-slovenská formácia sa v roku 2022 fantasticky vrátila na elektronickú scénu albumom Love Disappears. Za dva roky od svojho nového začiatku stihla zaujať fanúšikov elektronickej hudby nielen doma, ale aj v Nemecku, Švajčiarsku, Poľsku a na veľkých festivaloch po celej Európe. V roku 2023 vystúpili ako hosť na koncerte Depeche Mode v pražských Letňanoch.
Program otvorí a uzavrie synth/dark wave párty, ktorú budú mať na starosti hlavní ťahúni elektronickej hudby na Slovensku DJ Diablo & Krto.
Základná vstupenka (30 €)
Balkón 950 Kč (40 €)
VIP sedenie / bar / špeciálny dárek od kapel (60 €)
vstup od 19.00 hod.

DE/VISION plus special guest Lakeside X
Bratislava, Majestic Music Club
Guest: Lakeside X
DJs: Diablo & Krto (ELECTRICITY room DJs) special electrify yourmind set

On the first Friday in May, Bratislava will experience the concert premiere of DE/VISION. The performance will be part of the spring mini-tour, where the band will present its complete line-up and apart from Bratislava will also be seen by audiences in Prague and Wroclaw, Poland. As a special guest on this tour will perform LAKESIDE X.
37 years - no car lasts that long, few relationships and marriages last that long, no brandy lasts that long. All the more remarkable is the existence of this band, which was born in 1988 in Bensheim in southern Hesse. They witnessed the advent of various new technologies and programming languages such as Turbo Pascal, Java, DAT, ISDN, DVD, Internet and e-mail. As if they were breaking records, they travelled tirelessly across all continents of the world, from Ekaterinburg to Hannover, Tel Aviv, Toronto and Buenos Aires. We're talking about none other than the flagship German synth-pop group DE/VISION, now based in Berlin.
De/Vision is a German synthpop music group founded in 1988. The group started as a quartet consisting of Thomas Adam, Steffen Keth, Stefan Blender and Markus Ganssert. They are known for their electronic-based music and have become one of the most enduring bands in the German synthpop scene. Over the years, De/Vision have released a steady stream of albums and singles and have maintained a loyal fan base within the electronic music community. Their sound is characterized by a blend of electronic beats, melodic synths and introspective lyrics that often explore themes of love, loss and human emotion.
The special guest not only of this concert will be Lakeside X. The Czech-Slovak formation made a fantastic return to the electronic scene in 2022 with the album Love Disappears. In the two years since their new beginning, they have managed to captivate electronic music fans not only at home, but also in Germany, Switzerland, Poland and at major festivals across Europe. In 2023 they played as a guest at the Prague concert of Depeche Mode in Letňany.
The program will open and close with a synth/dark wave party, which will be held by the main movers of electronic music in Slovakia DJ Diablo & Krto.
Basic ticket (30 €)
Balcony 950 CZK (40 €)
VIP seating / bar / special gift from the bands (60 €)
entry from 7 pm
Für Ticketkäufer aus Österreich und anderen Ländern gibt es Karten im DE/VISION-Fanshop:

For ticket buyers from Austria and other countries, tickets are available in the DE/VISION fan shop (pay in Euros):

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Majestic Music Club, Karpatská 3089/2, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovensko,Bratislava, Slovakia


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