A central figure in the development of avant-garde rock music since the 90s, Grubbs was a key member of the groups Gastr del Sol, Bastro, and Squirrel Bait. His collaboration with Jim O’Rourke in Gastr del Sol in essence invented the concept of post-rock. He has since released fourteen solo albums and appeared on more than 200 releases. He has performed with Tony Conrad, Pauline Oliveros, Luc Ferrari, Will Oldham, Loren Connors, Royal Trux, the Red Krayola, and many, many others.
Support from the Bohman Brothers' wry, alien, semi-improvised trio, SECLUDED BRONTE, and guitar-blank savant, C JOYNES.
Event Venue
NCI Centre, Holland Street,Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom