Daniel Howell: We're All Doomed! | End of the World Tour 2022

Mon Sep 19 2022 at 07:30 pm to 10:00 pm

St David's Hall | Cardiff

St David's Hall
Publisher/HostSt David's Hall
Daniel Howell: We're All Doomed! | End of the World Tour 2022
Daniel Howell is back, as stressed and depressingly dressed as ever, with his epic new solo comedy stage show “We’re All Doomed!”.
When there’s so many apocalyptic scenarios threatening to destroy us, it might be tempting to give into the gloom - but with enough sarcasm, satire, and a desire to skewer everything that’s wrong with society: Dan is determined to find some hope for humanity ..or at least laugh like it’s the end of the world (because it probably is).
Prepare for a night of savage self-deprecation, soul-searching, Dan over-sharing his deepest fears and desires, and become part of a community of doomers to share the final days.
PLEASE NOTE: These timings are provided as a guideline only and are subject to change.
Dyma Daniel Howell yn ei ôl, gymaint ag erioed fel iâr ar d’ranau a’i ddillad yn ddigon i godi’r felan arnoch, yn ei sleifar o sioe lwyfan gomedi solo newydd “We’re All Doomed!”.
A chymaint o senarios apocalyptaidd yn bygwth ein difa, fe allem gael ei temtio i ildio i’r digalondid – ond, a chanddo ddigon o goegni, dychan, ac awch gwanu ei gyllell i berfedd popeth sydd o’i le ar gymdeithas, mae Dan yn benderfynol o gael hyd i lygedyn o obaith i deulu dyn ... neu o leiaf chwerthin fel petai’n ddiwedd y byd (achos mwya’r tebyg, dyna be ydi o).
Gewch chi ddisgwyl noson o hunanfychanu ciaidd, hunanymholi, Dan yn pistyllio rhannu ei ofnau a’i ddyheadau dyfnaf, a dod yn rhan o gymuned o dyngedfenwyr i rannu’r diwrnodiau terfynol.
COFIWCH: Amseroedd amlinellol yw’r rhain a gallent newid

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

St David's Hall, The Hayes / Yr Aes, Cardiff, United Kingdom


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