If you plan to attend, have both partners RSVP (or message me privately). Please make sure you arrive no later than 9:45 and so we can begin promptly at 10:01.Connecticut BYOP Best-Disc doubles- All ages and levels of play welcome! Goal is to get more people out playing! Best-Disc format takes the pressure off of all! Bring your: partner, spouse, sibling, friend, child, parent, or a random stranger who expressed an interest in Disc Golf! #DiscGolf #DiscGolfLife #GrowTheSport #RespectHerGame #RespectTheirGame
This is a bring-your-own-partner doubles league. All are welcome, and if an individual is interested in playing, we will do our best to help them find a partner- if not, they may still join and play 3s or a Cali with us.
The group votes on choice of course yearly and a schedule is set in January. Events will be posted that you can use as a means of finding a teammate for a specific league day.
Scoring will be done on UDisc leagues (and on paper if there are cell signal issues). Please join the Connecticut Best Disc Doubles League on UDisc before league day, to facilitate checking in.
Entry fee will be $10 per team, paid via Venmo to "DiscGolfZenSherry" or bring exact change with you on league day.
From each teams $10 entry:
$6 will go to Closest-To-Pin (CTP) awards. Number of teams determines number of CTPs. There will be 5 CTPs each league day, decided and announced after the course is chosen. 2 for the women; 2 for mixed; 1 for everyone. With fewer than 5 teams, there will be 3 CTPs.
$2 will go toward building an Ace Pot. When/if the pot hits $300, another ace pot will start building.
$2 will go toward a league fund. We are looking to build up funding to support local projects for disc golf in CT. At the end of the year we will assess the league’s funding and put forward suggestions for how we would like to share the funding. In order to put forward or vote on projects, you must attend at least 3 league events throughout the season.
We are looking to be prompt with start times. Each event will have an arrival time and we will look to start no later than 15 minutes after that.
This is an all-weather league. Only if weather presents a safety concern will we consider cancelling.
Participants hereby hold blameless and fully release league organizers, local and state park services, from all liability of personal damage or injury which they may incur before, during, or after their participation in this event. By participating, players accept full and sole responsibility for any damage they may cause through negligence and/or malice, including damages or injuries caused by their own throws in practice or competition.
Photo credit @Johnmbus from UDisc
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Crystal Pond Disc Golf Course, Woodstock Valley, United States