The International Intensive Training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in Croatia is going to be an experience you will never forget!At its heart, NVC values people—you, the participants who will attend. With the guidance of our Trainers and organizers, we will create a compassionate space for self-exploration and discovery. 🙏
🌲🌳We chose a peaceful forest setting on Sljeme, the peak of Mount Medvednica, to provide an ideal environment for learning. This location offers the tranquility and intimacy needed for deep reflection while being conveniently situated in the capital city of Zagreb. We encourage you to enrich your experience by exploring this beautiful city during your stay.
A key focus of this training is on connecting with the body. For us, this means being fully present in the moment, deeply connected to life, and in touch with yourself. It means bringing movement and dance as key approaches to melting the frozen places inside. It means understanding that your body is the house of your feelings and your needs.
Together, we aim to explore and practice the following:
💛Cultivating presence and mindfulness in the moment
🌞Connecting with yourself by recognizing and honoring your feelings and needs
⭐Expressing yourself authentically, with self-compassion and closeness
🌼Embracing self-acceptance and love, moving away from self-blame and shame
🌻Maintaining empathy, even in challenging situations like conflicts
🌝 Sharing and teaching NVC in various contexts, such as family, relationships, education, and organizations
Let’s embark on this journey together, surrendering to the experience and growing in connection, authenticity, and empathy.
For more detailed info visit:
We await you with enthusiasm! 🤍
Internacionalni intenzivni trening nenasilne komunikacije (NK) u Hrvatskoj je poseban dragulj u riznici vrijednosti koju vam nudi Centar za nenasilnu komunikaciju. Uz nenasilnu komunikaciju Marshalla Rosenberga vrijednost ste vi koji ćete doći. 🙏
🌲🌳Bilo nam je važno za edukaciju osigurati miran šumski ambijent na Sljemenu, vrhu planine Medvednica. Lokacija je dovoljno izolirana da imamo mir i intimnost. Ono što je zanimljivo jest da je Sljeme u srcu glavnoga grada Zagreba. Želimo da iskustva obogatite posjetom ovom divnom gradu.
Još jedna vrijednost kojoj se želimo posvetiti u ovoj edukaciji je naše tijelo. Za nas ono znači prisustvo u trenutku, povezanost sa životom i bliskost sa sobom.
Prepustimo se iskustvu i naučimo:
💛 biti prisutni u trenutku
🌞 biti povezani sa sobom kroz povezivanje s osjećajima i potrebama u svome tijelu
⭐ biti sebi dragi, bliski i autentični u izražavanju sebe
🌼 biti sposobni prihvatiti i voljeti sebe, nasuprot samookrivljavanju i stidu
🌻 istraživati načine da ostanemo u stanju empatije i kada je to pravi izazov, npr. u konfliktima
🌝 razmjenjivati znanja o mogućnostima dijeljenja i poučavanja NK u različitim formama i zajednicama (obitelj, partnerski odnosi, obrazovanje, organizacije)
Za više detalja posjetite:
Očekujemo vas s oduševljenjem! 🤍
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Sljeme, Zagreb, Croatia