CQI Wolverhampton - ISO 9001 Brand Integrity - where did it go wrong?

Tue Sep 21 2021 at 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm

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CQI Wolverhampton Branch
Publisher/HostCQI Wolverhampton Branch
CQI Wolverhampton - ISO 9001 Brand Integrity - where did it go wrong?
At this online event, Mark Braham talks about the work TC176/TG02 Brand integrity task group is doing to fix ISO 9001.
About this Event

ISO 9001 is still the world's best known and most implemented standard. However, ISO 9001 has many critics who believes it has lost its way. So this session will talk about the work TC176/TG02 Brand integrity task group is going to do to fix ISO 9001. Also to ensure ISO 9001 credibility remains a key assurance for all types and sizes of businesses for the next 20 years. Mark Braham MSc, CQP FCQI, Head of UK delegation TC176 and Chair of UK (BSI) Management system expert group.

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