KORS: KIF TIEĦU ĦSIEB KAMPANJA TA’ ĠBIR TA’ FONDIKull nhar ta’ Tlieta, mill-21 ta’ Jannar 2025; mis-6pm sas-7.30pm
Tliet sessjonijiet maħsuba għal NGOs dwar kif isir il-marketing u l-ġbir ta’ fondi. Min jattendi jikseb il-ħiliet dwar l-istrateġiji u l-azzjoni li jkunu jridu jittieħdu.
Għar-reġistrazzjoni ċempel 21220660, 99471549 jew email [email protected]
Koordinazzjoni tal-kors: Claudia Taylor East, Promotur tal-Volontarjat f’Malta u pajjiżi internazzjonali.
Marketing and fundraising are crucial for NGOs to ensure a steady flow of resources to support their mission and activities. By the end of this training, NGOs should have a comprehensive understanding of both marketing and fundraising strategies, with actionable steps to implement them in their organizations.
January 21st, 2025, January 28th, 2025 and February, 4th
Kindly call at 21220660, 99471549 or send us an email at [email protected]
Coordinator: Ms Claudia Taylor-East who has been engaged in promoting volunteering in Malta and overseas in her managing roles in the third sector. Is one of the Founders and Board members of SOS Malta where she served as the organization’s CEO. Was executive chairman of the Malta Hospice Movement spearheading the development of Palliative Care services in Malta. She has led various voluntary missions to Albania, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Uganda offering humanitarian assistance during the emergency phase contributing to the enhancement of Malta’s reputation in the field of international solidarity. Her personal commitment to extensive community and philanthropic activities contributes to and creates all kinds of partnerships that underlie a truly civil society. Master of Letters Honoris Causa conferred by the University of Malta in November 2018.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
224, Palazzo Pereira, Triq ir-Repubblika,, VLT 1116 Valletta, Malta, 233 Republic St, Valletta, VLT, Malta,Valletta, Malta