Be, Receive, and Give thanks.Sounds easy enough, right? But, do you actually gift yourself this opportunity to fully be, receive, and give thanks? If you’re answering no right now, then you are not alone my friend. We have forgotten to tend to our own innate nature of intuition, our homecoming, our place of origin and we have got lost in the underbelly of life.
If you gather with me, we shall return to this place of homecoming. And, once more you will fill your cup full of creative passion that is ready to kiss the world and celebrate with joy!
Our gathering will be sacred, it will be gentle, and it will be the breath that blows on the burning embers in your belly. Through the power of witnessing we will hold each other, exactly as we are.
As women, we journey through a rollercoaster of emotions every month. Sometimes feeling like we are going to go crazy, loose our mind, or quite possibly even take out the entire vicinity of the landscape with our fire breath and wrath. We, in these often overwhelming moments, would take no prisoners, because let’s face it, all of the care for others that we usually share so gracefully, have somehow disappeared only to be left with a hollow hole of despair. A lot of guilt, overwhelm, shame and feelings of ‘not being good enough’, creep in on the back of our inner critic as we say goodbye to our summer season and we so tenderly begin the process of ego death, arriving in Autumn, a place where we get ready to enter the sacred bleed and void. Sounds terrifying doesn’t it?!
This is a typical example of what can happen during the later stages of our menstrual cycle, and how it can affect us. However, as the rollercaoster of emotions would suggest, we are also incredible beings capable of showering others with love, affection, and more nurture than we may even show ourself. Spring and summer months feel exactly like that, like we have been reborn and are ready to take on the world with our masculing driven charge of energy, super women, unapologetically, this is me. Our skin in these moments are what the old ones would call ‘thick’, perhaps the armouring of our being is better prepared for failure, rejection, abandonment and those harsh conversations received from your co-worker who you don’t particularly like. So, we don’t feel as though were ‘loosing’ it as much, or that we are running low on gas. The problem here is that we can fall into the trap of overdoing, over giving, and forget about ourself, and our own needs.
This is where a women's sharing circle comes in handy. Together, surrounded by other women, (who also go through the exact same crazy emotional rollercoaster as you), will be sat right beside you as your witness and as your ally on this beautiful journey of experience we call life.
This concept that I speak before, is not only gathered knowledge and wisdom from my own life experience, but it is also information taken from the the book ‘Wild Power’, teachings of Mentrual Cyle Awareness(MCA). To have an awareness of the process that our menstrual cycle takes us through is as they say to hold the key to the chamber of your sacred self. Snippets of inspiration from my knowledge of MCA will fill the air of our circles, but rest assured that this is not a teaching space, nor information exchange. It is a safe space for reflection, witnessing and nourishment. If you are in any stage of the menopause, do not bleed for other health reasons, or do not have a physical womb, you are still wecome and a part of everything that a woman is (and journeys through). If you have any concerns or queries relating to what I have said, please do contact me with a brief message and I will be sure to get back to you asap. These spaces are not intended as therapy, nor should they replace any therapy that you feel you may need.
Much love, Oshun
TO BOOK RSVP OSHUN 07508844217, or message through Facebook messenger.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Yoga Café Chorlton Manchester, 286 Barlow Moor Road,Manchester, United Kingdom