Cosmetic Acupuncture Facial Course. Cosmetic Acupuncture facial also known as the non surgical face lift method or Facial Rejuvenation. We will be covering the points for stimulating, tightening and lifting the face naturally using small specialized facial acupuncture needles. This course is intended for Acupuncturist, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, RMTS, or any health care provider with prior acupuncture training.
Investment is $250. Credentials are due upon registration.
A start up acupuncture needle kit needed to provide acupuncture facial treatments, and will be available for purchase the day of training or be can pre-ordered when registering. Supplier information for needles will also be provided for future supplies.
To register call the clinic at 519-255-7741 or email [email protected]
$100 deposit is due upon registration. Payment can be taken over the phone credit card, cash, debit or etransfer. Etransfer also accepted to [email protected]
*2% surcharge applies for credit card payments.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Ashiatsu Training Centre, 1918 Wyandotte St. East, Windsor, Canada