'Connective Tissue' - Jane Fraser in conversation with Alan Bilton

Wed Oct 19 2022 at 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm

Taliesin Create, Singleton Campus, Swansea University SA2 8PP | Swansea

Cultural Institute
Publisher/HostCultural Institute
'Connective Tissue' - Jane Fraser in conversation with Alan Bilton
As part of the Literary Salon Series, Jane Fraser will be in conversation with Alan Bilton, author and Senior Lecturer of English Literature and Creative Writing at Swansea University.
This collection of short fiction aims to define the sometimes indefinable and to give voice to those struggling to make sense of what life throws at them. There are those who travel in a continuous loop on London’s underground and those who dance at night with the departed. A woman confronts herself in a bedroom mirror after decades of denial and a widow finds comfort in an osteopath’s consulting room. And then there is a strange creature who falls to earth; dreams and portents; crows and folklore, and much more.
The stories are tragic and comi-tragic, but all reveal the strength and complexity of the human spirit. They bring poignant insights on grief, loss and longing and the depths and strangeness of the human psyche and how we manage to survive and just about cope.

About the author:
Jane Fraser lives, works and writes fiction in a house facing the sea in the village of Llangennith, in the Gower peninsula, south Wales. In 2017 she was a finalist for the Manchester Fiction Prize and in 2018 was a prize-winner for the Fish Memoir Prize and selected as a Hay Festival Writer at Work. Her first collection of short fiction, The South Westerlies was published by UK indie, SALT, in 2019. In 2022, she was commissioned by BBC Radio 4 for the first time to write a short story which was broadcast as part of its Short Works series. In 2022, she was also awarded The Paul Torday Memorial Prize for her debut novel, Advent, published by Welsh women’s press, HONNO, in 2021. She has a PhD in Creative Writing from Swansea University, is wife to Philip and co-director of NB:Design, a business they share, and importantly, grandmother to Megan, Florence and Alice. She is a firm believer that there’s a right time in life to do things, rather than a right age. She is delighted that SALT has reinvested in her for her second collection of short stories, Connective Tissue, publishing in October 2022.

Fel rhan o Gyfres Salonau Llenyddol, bydd Jane Fraser yn sgwrsio â Alan Bilton, awdur ac Uwch-ddarlithydd Llenyddiaeth Saesneg ac Ysgrifennu Creadigol ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe.
Mae'r casgliad hwn o ffuglen fer yn ceisio diffinio'r anniffiniol a rhoi llais i'r rhai sy'n ymaflyd wrth geisio gwneud synnwyr o'r hyn y mae bywyd yn ei daflu atynt. Mae rhai hynny sy'n teithio mewn cylch parhaus ar system danddaearol Llundain ac eraill yn dawnsio gyda'r hwyr gyda'r ymadawedig. Mae menyw yn wynebu ei hun mewn drych ystafell wely ar ôl degawdau o wadu ac mae gweddw'n canfod cysur mewn ystafell ymgynghori osteopath. Ac yna ceir creadur rhyfedd sy'n syrthio i'r ddaear; breuddwydion a rhyfeddodau; brain a llên gwerin, a llawer mwy.
Mae'r straeon hyn yn drasig ac yn drasig gydag elfen ddigri, ac maent oll yn datgelu cryfder a chymhlethdod yr ysbryd dynol. Maent yn taflu goleuni ar alar, colled a hiraeth a dyfnder a hynodrwydd yr enaid dynol a sut rydym yn goroesi ac o’r braidd yn ymdopi.

Am yr awdwr:
Mae Jane Fraser yn byw, yn gweithio ac yn ysgrifennu ffuglen mewn tŷ sy'n wynebu'r môr ym mhentref Llangynnydd, ar Benrhyn Gŵyr, de Cymru. Yn 2017, cyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol Gwobr Ffuglen Manceinion ac yn 2018 enillodd Wobr Fish am hunangofiant ac fe'i dewiswyd yn Ysgrifennwr wrth ei Waith Gŵyl y Gelli. Cyhoeddwyd ei chasgliad cyntaf o ffuglen fer, The South Westerlies, gan SALT, gwasg annibynnol yn y DU, yn 2019. Yn 2022, cafodd ei chomisiynu gan BBC Radio 4 am y tro cyntaf i ysgrifennu stori fer a ddarlledwyd fel rhan o'r gyfres Short Works. Yn 2022, derbyniodd Wobr Goffa Paul Torday am ei nofel gyntaf, Advent, a gyhoeddwyd gan wasg menywod Cymru, HONNO, yn 2021. Mae ganddi PhD mewn Ysgrifennu Creadigol o Brifysgol Abertawe, mae'n wraig i Philip ac yn gyd-gyfarwyddwr NB:Design, busnes y maent yn ei rannu, ac yn bwysicach, yn fam-gu i Megan, Florence ac Alice. Mae'n gredwr cryf bod amser iawn i wneud pethau mewn bywyd, yn hytrach nag oedran cywir. Mae hi wrth ei bodd bod SALT wedi ail-fuddsoddi ynddi am ei hail gasgliad o straeon byrion, Connective Tissue, a gaiff ei gyhoeddi ym mis Hydref 2022.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Taliesin Create, Singleton Campus, Swansea University SA2 8PP, Swansea, United Kingdom



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