Sat May 25 2024 at 02:00 pm to 06:00 pm

23 Scott St, Mandurah WA 6210, Australia | Mandurah

Sheeana Leigh
Publisher/HostSheeana Leigh
Step into a sacred space where the whispers of your soul find resonance, where the rhythm of your womb guides you home.
Join us for a transformative journey into the depths of feminine nourishment and empowerment at our Yoni Steam Ceremonial Workshop Event.
This 4-hour event you will be invited to receive:
? Nourishment: Immerse yourself in the gentle embrace of herbal steam, a time-honored ritual that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. Feel the warmth infuse your being, replenishing you from within.
? Fullness: Embrace the fullness of your feminine essence as you honor the sacred vessel of your womb. Allow yourself to expand into the richness of your being, embracing every facet of your womanhood.
? Connected & Held: Experience the profound sense of connection as you are lovingly held by the collective heart of our community. Feel the bonds of sisterhood weaving around you, supporting you in your journey of self-discovery.
? Grounded & Empowered: Root yourself in the earth's embrace as you reclaim your power and sovereignty. Let go of what no longer serves you and rise into the fullness of your authentic self.
? Connected to Your Sensual Essence: Awaken the dormant fire within as you reconnect with your sensual essence. Feel the pulsating energy of life coursing through you, igniting your passion and creativity.
? Healing the Sisterhood Wound: Together, we heal the wounds of separation and competition, embracing the beauty of collaboration and upliftment. Witness the power of sisterhood as we rise together, stronger and more resilient than before.
? Listening to Intuitive Wisdom/Womb: Tune into the whispers of your intuition, the ancient wisdom of your womb. Allow its gentle guidance to lead you towards alignment, healing, and self-love.
Benefits of Yoni Steaming:
? Balances Hormones: Restore harmony to your hormonal system, promoting balance and vitality.
? Supports Menstrual Health: Alleviate menstrual cramps, irregular cycles, and other discomforts with the gentle warmth of herbal steam.
? Promotes Emotional Release: Release stagnant emotions and energetic blockages, creating space for healing and renewal.
? Increases Fertility: Enhance your reproductive health and vitality, supporting your journey towards conception if desired.
? Enhances Libido: Awaken your sensual fire and reignite your passion for life and love.
Join us as we embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Together, let us honor the feminine within and without, embracing our inherent beauty, strength, and wisdom.
This event is ideal for beginners and those who are curious to delve into playful ceremony of an ancient feminine modality.
Everything is supplied for this experience and a take home gift of chosen herbs will be yours to continue your embodiment at home throughout your cycle.
An option to purchase a stool and handmade ceremonial ceramic mug is available with the ticket price or on the day of the event via cash only.
Please note that some contraindications of steaming are that you are not currently pregnant, will not be on your bleed at the time of ceremony and caution is advised if you have an IUD and Mirena.
We look forward to welcoming you with open hearts and arms.
Love Sheeana & Elissa **

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

23 Scott St, Mandurah WA 6210, Australia, 23 Scott St, Mandurah WA 6210, Australia,Mandurah, Western Australia


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